Olympia Activist Outed as Alt-Right Type
(Content warning for Anti-Semitism in pictures & her twitter) A local Olympia activist, who’s name we believe is Karma Reynoldson, has turned out…
Defend Our City: Take Action Against Milo at UW!
Professional troll Milo Yiannopoulos will be coming to UW as part of his “Dangerous Faggot” speaking tour on Friday January 20th and will…
Vancouver, CA: White Supremacist Attack on Anarchist Social Space
reposted from https://www.facebook.com/vanantifa/?fref=ts On New Years of 2016/2017, artists and organisers in the Anarchist space ’38 Blood Alley’ were attacked with bear spray…
The Racist In Your Class: Stop the UW College Republicans
Submitted to PSA: http://i.imgur.com/LNAmHFV.jpg The above link is a poster for the text below. For wide dissemination. The UW College Republicans are hosting…
Portland: Reportback from NYE Noise Demo
reposted from https://itsgoingdown.org/portland-report-back-nye-noise-demo/ On New Year’s Eve, before the festivities began, some anarchists gathered outside the Multnomah County Justice Center to make some…
Resources for Countering Identity Evropa and the ‘Alt-Right’
reposted from https://itsgoingdown.org/resources-countering-identity-evropa-alt-right/ In the last few months, Identity Evropa has shown itself to be a growing threat across the US, as it…
Do you hate fascism? WE DO TOO! We want to invite one and all to come collectively express your grief, love, and rage…
January 20th Call for autonomous action
The idea is out there, and calls for a “general strike” have begun to surface throughout the political void. Socialists and Bernieites displeased…
Help keep Milo Yiannopoulos off the UW campus
UW College Republicans have a GoFundMe put help pay the security fees for bringing Milo to campus: https://www.gofundme.com/help-bring-milo-to-the-uw Fortunately, hate speech is against…
January 20th Break Away March Call-Out
On January 20th, the State will usher in another resident of the mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This time something feels different: unsettling,…