
“Just Want Privacy” My Ass

As far as we can tell, those hateful asshats (“Just Want Privacy”) behind the Washington state anti-trans Initiative No. 1515 have started gathering signatures. While it seems unlikely that they will collect enough to get that steaming pile of shit on the ballot in November, let’s not waste an opportunity to fuck with them.

We are encouraging a state-wide competition – a contest of daring and foot speed. The victor? Whoever “collects” the most initiative pages for the bathroom bill and posts pictures or video online (anonymously, of course, duh) with the hashtags #justwantprivacy, #fuck1515, or whatever other message you have for the world. Bonus points if the initiative sheets are on fire. Or maybe a nice big Cleveland Steamer on top!

It’s pretty simple, really. Just pretend to be registered to vote when approached by a signature gatherer. If they are gathering signatures for Initiative 1515, which “concerns gender-segregated facilities and civil liability,” grab the clipboard and book it!

Act swiftly, commit to your actions, and have an escape plan.
