
Portland: Response to Police Shooting in Portland

Michael Harrison, a man in distress using a kitchen knife to wound himself, was shot multiple times by Portland Police officers on Sunday night. It has consistently been the response of the Portland Police Bureau and police worldwide to harass, wound, and murder people experiencing mental health issues. Everywhere we turn cops are killing people of color, the poor, those dealing with mental heath crisis and others marginalized in society. The message is clear that in order to serve the few the many are completely expendable. A group of 15-20 people took to the streets on Monday night after hearing about this most recent police shooting in Portland. The small demonstration took over all lanes of Broadway going westward from 10th. The march began with chants of “cops, pigs, murderers” and “All cops are bastards”. It appears that the opportunity was taken to break the windows of a Starbucks and a nearby bank. The group held the street marching for several blocks supported by the honks and raised fists of passersby. Traffic cones and construction equipment were dragged into the street to slow down traffic. Police showed up en masse near Williams avenue, perhaps 8-10 cars in total. Some began taunting the demonstrators, saying “Come get some pretty girl.” and “We are going to sweep you up and arrest you all.” among other unintelligible drivel. The PPB more commonly keep their distance and remain unengaged with demonstrators after they shoot someone but on this occasion they appeared more as witless bullies. The marched turned back eastward and the group decided to disperse when it felt safe, as cops remained in the area for some time. This was a small gesture for Michael Harrison, Aaron Campbell, James Chasse, Jack Collins and all others shot down by police when what they needed was support during difficult times. For all the individuals whose lives have been taken by police, and for ourselves, we will continue to fight for a world without police.