
Announcing the 2018 Seattle Anarchist Book Fair!

Submitted Anonymously

Dear friends,

We are delighted to announce that a date and venue has been set for the
2018 Seattle Anarchist Book Fair! The tenth annual book fair held on occupied Duwamish land will be a two-day thrill ride on Saturday and Sunday, November 17th and 18th, from 10 AM-5 PM at the Vera Project.

If you are interested in proposing a workshop or requesting a table at
the book fair, please fill out this form. In addition to
workshops and tables, the 2018 Seattle Anarchist Book Fair will host a
shared meal and social time Sunday afternoon, for making new friends,
hanging out, and building relational forms outside of consumerism.

The Vera Project is an ADA-accessible space, with a lift between the
first and second floors and gender-neutral, accessible bathrooms.
Childcare will be provided for both days of the event. For other
inquiries or access requests, please get in touch with us at
[email protected].

We look forward to seeing you there!