In the days following the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death at the hands of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, there were multiple sightings of anti-police graffiti throughout the Central District.

“Solidarity With Ferguson Rioters (A)” (getting cleaned up)

“Cop Lives Don’t Matter”

“Hands Up Shoot Back!”

“RIP Mike Brown (A)” (above the I-90 underpass facing East-bound traffic)

“FTP//RIP Mike Brown” (on an ISOLA condominium development)”
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“Ferguson Is Everywhere”
In the days following the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death at the hands of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, there were multiple sightings of anti-police graffiti throughout the Central District.
“Solidarity With Ferguson Rioters (A)” (getting cleaned up)
“Cop Lives Don’t Matter”
“Hands Up Shoot Back!”
“RIP Mike Brown (A)” (above the I-90 underpass facing East-bound traffic)
“FTP//RIP Mike Brown” (on an ISOLA condominium development)”
“Ferguson Is Everywhere”