Action Announcement Anti-Fascist Featured PNW Hatewatch


reposted from Corvallis Antifa

read the full dox from Corvallis Antifa here

We are making a public call to action to disrupt the organizing of the Pacific Northwest Wolfpack. PNWWP is a neo-Nazi organization operating in Western Washington with ties to extremely violent groups like the Hammerskins, American Front, and Northwest Nationalist Network. The group is tied to multiple murders, and one member is currently on trial for a double homicide and the slaying of a horse. Our full article on the group that exposes over a dozen of their members and associates is available at

Pacific Northwest Wolfpack is in the process of building a compound in Elma Washington called Freyrshof. This is concerning because it has the possibility to become a major regional nexus for neo-Nazi organizing a-la the Aryan Nations in Hayden Lake, Idaho. We are making this call to action for Antifascists across the region to join us in stopping construction of this hof through disruption of the group’s ability to make money.

We ask anyone who reaches out to any individuals or companies in service of this call to engage with utmost politeness and professionalism. We have absolutely no reason to believe that any people adjacent to individuals involved in PNWWP know about their associates Nazism, and we don’t want to any of them to be harassed or threatened.

The following are some quick and easy ways you can assist us in disrupting the organizing of PNWWP and shut down fascism in the PNW!

Notify the community:

Please share our article and this call to action widely on social media. Feel free to make posts using the graphic above, and the text of this call. If you run a radical publication, we encourage you to repost this blog entry on your sites!

If you don’t live in the area, but you know people living in Elma, Aberdeen, Olympia, and the greater Gray’s Harbor region please send them a link to our article and notify them of the neo-Nazi compound being built in their backyard.

If you’re in that area, talk to your neighbors and determine ways you feel that you can effectively organize against the Fascists in your backyard. If you’re unsure how to go about this, we highly recommend Spencer Sunshine’s piece 40 Ways To Fight Fascism.

Small Businesses:

A significant portion of the hof’s fundraising comes from raffling off donated goods and services from small businesses run by members of the group and associates. We are asking for folks to notify customers, business associates, and payment processors who work with these businesses of the fact that their dollars are going towards the construction of a neo-Nazi compound.

Thorson Forge:

Dale “Thorson” Ball is one of the officers listed on PNWWP’s incorporating documents. He operates the business Thorson Forge out of his garage, and has donated products to raise money for the Hof.

Dale works closely with Waggonbox Leatherworks and  42nd Latitude Leatherworks to create sheathes for his products.

Thorson Forge is pretty popular in the EDC and knife collecting community. We ask readers with engaged in those communities to post about his Nazi organizing work on social media and in forums where such things are discussed.

Pickety Place:

Pickety Place is a kitschy home decor businesses run by the mother of Joshua McCallum, the leader of PNWWP. It is located in the same location as Freyrshof, and grotesque gnome statues from the business have been sold to raise money for Freyrshof. These wares are sold at events like Grey’s Harbor Christmas Bazaar and Grey’s Harbor Home and Garden Expo.

Black Wing Bodywork:

Black Wing Bodywork is a massage parlor operated by Mandy Lubsinky “Odindottir” Hawkins in St. Helens, Oregon.



The organization primarily makes money via donations through Cashapp. According to Cashapp’s acceptable use policy, they do not allow, “harmful or illegal activity”. We believe that fundraising the construction of the hof absolutely meets the definition of, “harmful activity”. The group also violates Cashapp’s terms of service by utilizing it in raffles that constitute gambling. Please notify Cashapp of this use at and ask that they ban the accounts of everyone who has donated to the construction of the hof.


The group also utilizes Paypal to process payments. They similarly disallow hateful content and gambling. Please notify them at

Get in touch:

If you want more info about the whereabouts or activity of PNWWP members and associates, email us at If you have any tips regarding the activity, employment, location, or ties of any PNWWP members, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line.