Video: Occupation of fish farm by Kwakwaka’wakw
from Warrior Publications August 25, 2017 Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Hereditary Leadership visited Ernest Alfred at his occupation camp on Marine Harvest owned salmon farm…
First Nations occupy Marine Harvest fish farm
From Warrior Publications A group of First Nations has peacefully occupied a Marine Harvest salmon farm on Swanson Island, which is located 17…
Fuck SeaFair !!! A History
Submitted Anonymously “Seafair weekend is almost here. Fuck Seafair. Fuck the blue angels and the hydro planes. Torch Light can be lit, but…
Olympia Anti-Fascist outreach event in solidarity with Charlottesville fighters.
In the early evening of Friday August 18th, around 25 people held an anti-fascist outreach event in downtown Olympia. In the wake of…
August 13th Solidarity Against Hate Reportback
The IWW Greater Seattle General Defense Committee put a wide-reaching public call-out to amass a significant contingent of individuals and organizations to confront…
How to Kick Alt-Right Scum Out of a March
submitted anonymously In this video, an alt-right “journalist” is seen being removed from the Solidarity Against Hate march that happened last week in…
People in NW Detention Center Solitary Confinement Are On Hunger Strike; Have Issued Demands to GEO Group and ICE
From Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Aug 8, 2017: Fourth Hunger Strike Starts in Northwest Detention Center Facility in “Modified Lock Down” Since August 5th…
Snakes in the Grass: Who Benefits from Joey Gibson’s Rallies?
Submitted by Greater Seattle GDC On Christmas Eve, 1985, David Lewis Rice murdered Annie, Charles, Colin, and Derek Goldmark at their home in…
Anti-Canada Day on Denman Island
Submitted Anonymously July 1, 2017, on Denman Island, better known as Sla-Dai-Aich, unceded K’omoks territory, in colonial British Columbia: the Canadian flag hanging…
12th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair Call For Participation
Submitted Anonymously We are pleased to announce the twelfth annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, located on unceded Coast Salish Territory in Victoria, British Columbia.…