
Reportback: Vigil and Rally at SODO Lightrail Station, in Response to Cop’s Murder

On Sunday July 6th, there was a midday rally and vigil that, for the most
part, was stationed at the SODO light rail location where Oscar Perez-Giron’s
life was taken that previous Monday (as other previous PSA postings have

Around 75 people gathered; many family and friends of the slain and otherwise
accused came together, along with other angry and concerned people. Most of
the time was spent sharing with each other sentiments regarding the cops,
with a generalized sense that the police are enemies, especially of poor
people and people of color, as well as stories of the day and of Oscar’s life
and character. Additionally throughout the rally, there were flyers wheat
pasted and anti-cop, anti-gentrification slogans tagged on the trains and
station walls.

We were able to listen to Carlos, one of fellows present at the time of
Oscar’s murder. Mario Jesus Parra is still currently locked up in King County
Municipal Jail (500 5th Ave) and being held under a large bail.

At the end, around 6 pm, many who rallied gathered on the light rail,
chanted, shared flyers with other passengers, and tagged some cameras and
windows. Many of the other passengers seemed passive, annoyed, and otherwise

Although this rally may not have amounted to much in terms of releasing the
anger that one may feel in the hands of the state and capitalism, it did
provide an important space for not only making and strengthening
cross-cultural connections; it provided a time to recall other police murders
in Seattle and on the West Coast.

It would behoove anarchists to act responsively to this and other current
events. As on May Day, the organization (timing, location, and potentiality)
were rather confusing and most likely diffused many other wise interested
participants. Although this may not be a time during which grand over turns
of the state will occur, it could be said that the sharing of insurrectionary
and incendiary ideas and practices would be worthwhile enough.

“The revolution is not a myth simply to be used as a point of reference.
Precisely because it is a concrete event, it must be built daily through more
modest attempts which do not have all the liberating characteristics of the
social revolution in the true sense. These more modest attempts are
insurrections.” Bonanno, ‘Why Insurrection’

RIP Oscar Perez-Giron, Solidarity with the Accused: Mario Jesus Parra, FTP!