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Two Years Later In Memory of Timothy Green (Olympia)

submitted anonymously –

Two years since the murder of Timothy Green. How many times have we seen the same script play out? A tragedy, an investigation, exoneration, empty statements, try to bury it all and move on as quickly as possible.

Our memories and our hearts are battle grounds. Tragedy after tragedy moves fast, life after life is taken by the police, by the jails and prisons, by poverty. It moves so fast, everyone gets desensitized to it all so quick, forgets so quick.

A small crew of us came together to offer a small gesture of love and memory for Timothy Green by throwing up his name on a fence visible from the highway. It’s so little, it’s not enough, but if nothing else the walls should be filled with the names of the dead so the world is forced to remember.

For Timothy Green.
For Vanessa Hopsin
For Michael Reinhol
For Joel Anthony Nelson
For Jeffery McGaugh
For Stephen Edwards
For Charleena Lyles
For Manuel Ellis
For Jaahnavi Kandula
For Eucytus
For Willem Van Spronsen
For John T. Williams
For every name we will never know…

This shit don’t stop til we stop it.