From Its Going Down
Donate to Help Those Arrested Here
More analysis of this event check out: Confronting the Fash at #DefendPDX – Neo-Nazis Mobilize for ‘Patriot Prayer’ Rally – Poster: The Two Faces of Fascism
On Sunday, June 4th, people swarmed into downtown Portland for a series of demonstrations against the Alt-Right in the wake of two horrific murders and another stabbing, after a member of the Alt-Right tried to assault two women of color on a commuter MAX train last week. In Portland since the murders, more racist assaults have taken place against a MAX driver and against Muslim people. In the United States, a string of more racially motivated attacks have also taken place, from a machete attack in Clearlake, California, an assault on an Asian man in Southern California, the running over of an indigenous youth in Washington, not to mention the fact that the police killings across the United States are soaring. As of this writing, law enforcement in the United States have killed 504 people since the start of 2017, making for an average of over 3 a day.
What is happening in Portland should serve as a wakeup call for people across the US: the State does not care about racist and fascist violence; it does not see it as a threat to its power structure. People must come together where they are to push back against the far-Right and the danger that it represents as part of a broader struggle against capital and the State.
Throughout the day, numerous members of various fascist, neo-Nazi, and Alt-Right groups both addressed the crowd and were part of the demonstration, including Identity Evropa, the Proud Boys, and the Traditionalist Worker Party. Alt-Right speakers included Kyle Chapman and Baked Alaska, while white nationalists like Brittany Pettibone also livestreamed.
At 12 noon, Portland police rushed the antifascist rally, taking defensive items away and at around 3:30 PM, began to shoot into the crowd, attempting to force the black bloc out of the park so they could begin to evacuate the Alt-Right side. Police later kettled the antifascist side, not letting people leave until they had looked at their IDs. Members of the socialist group the International Socialist Organization, (ISO), who had been in talks with the Portland Mayor the past few days, worked to undermine the antifascist side, pushing people out of their rally at city hall who wore masks, and demanded that people leave the rally after police began to attack antifascists at Chapman Square. Report backs coming soon.
This page will be continuously updated throughout the day.
Lots of police activity at Chapman and Lowsdale square. Some protesters at city hall. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 5, 2017
Another clash… police run in and make an arrest… #Portlandprotests #Portland
— Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBC) June 5, 2017
A woman says she was attacked by a Trump supporter as he left Schrunk Plaza. Police moved in.
— Molly Harbarger (@MollyHarbarger) June 5, 2017
Tense moments as both groups trail through the city
— Karina Brown (@karinapdx) June 5, 2017
Police are taking pictures of our IDs before they let us leave, won’t tell us why
— Blake Montgomery (@blakersdozen) June 5, 2017
Pro-Trump rally at Terry Schrunk Plaza is now over. #LiveOnK2.
— KATU News (@KATUNews) June 5, 2017
5 PMPortland police are slowly letting people go, but checking IDs first.
those who were detained by Portland police are being released after their IDs are photographed. #gettyimagesnews
— scott olson (@olsongetty) June 4, 2017
Portland protesters are “free to go,” according to #Portland police. BUT they are being asked for ID to leave. Ugh.
— Lacy MacAuley (@lacymacauley) June 4, 2017
Police riffling through scattered belongings. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Police going through ppls belongings now searching under cars #defendpdx
— Zac Conklin-Farrell (@zacconklin) June 4, 2017
4:41 PMPolice and militia work together to make arrest.

Just now, militia+cops slammed a guy to the ground and arrested him for shouting. Second tandem militia+police arrest I’ve seen #defendpdx
— Andrew Riley (@andrewariley) June 4, 2017
Reminder that he’s a journalist covering the #defendpdx demo.
— natalie solidarity (@C0nst4ntN4t4l13) June 4, 2017
Scene from the police kettle, hundred or so detained including at least 4-5 journalists. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
We eagerly await the MAGA rallies in defense of the free speech of those attacked by the neonazi-harboring Portland Police today. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
Footage of people pepper sprayed, maybe rubber-bulleted while not able to leave area due to #Portland police.
— Lacy MacAuley (@lacymacauley) June 4, 2017
The police say they will be making arrests based on probable cause for disorderly conduct. Cops surrounded an entire block. #pdx #defendpdx
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
4:32 PM Portland police saying that they will make arrests based on ‘probable cause.’
At PDX rally this afternoon, AltRight leader reaffirms that Trumpers, Oath Keepers, III%ers, militias, and Proud Boys are his allies.
— Devin Burghart (@dburghart) June 4, 2017
Police seem to have shot a woman with less lethals. Something about shooting children? #DefendPDX
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
Pigs just hurt a journalist at 3rd and Madison. #DefendPDX
— Mike (@georgetownmike) June 4, 2017
4:23 PMPortland police now saying that they are detaining march due to ‘criminal mischief.’ Claim that people must leave the area, however they cannot leave. Saying they will arrest people who cannot physically disperse. Saying they are investigating “disorderly conduct.”
Police have moved in at 4th and Morrison and surrounding streets, stopping march. Demanding crowd disperse but not clear where to go
— Dave Killen (@killendave) June 4, 2017
White nationalists & their “free speech” dupes were completely surrounded but Portland Police helped their friends by attacking antifascists
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
Huge antifa march passing pioneer place mall. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Large group of Portlanders marching west stopped by a police line. #pdx #defendpdx Turned back.
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
4:13 PM Department of Homeland Security and Portland Police out on the streets to attack the anarchist and antifa rally.

Cops firing unprovoked rubber bullets at kids holding sign that says “mourn the dead”
— Karina Brown (@karinapdx) June 4, 2017
It’s “an illegal assembly” now. 🤷🏼♀️#DefendPDX
— The Vengeant ® (@TheVengeant) June 4, 2017
Portlanders, who live there, being told by cops to leave while antagonistic supremacists are protected by homeland security. #pdx #defendpdx
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
Trump supporter causes a scuffle with the pro-Labor protest and then tries to run back to Schrunk Plaza but gets arrested.
— Molly Harbarger (@MollyHarbarger) June 4, 2017
This group joins antifascists at Chapman Square in opposition to Trump free speech rally
— Hal Bernton (@hbernton) June 4, 2017
Now that Baked Alaska guy is trolling people across the street w a bullhorn. It is bad trolling.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 4, 2017
Some protesters have locked arms. But by and large they’re backing off of the police. At least 20 feet between the main lines.
— Bryan M. Vance (@BryanMVance) June 4, 2017
Things are at something of a standoff at the north side of Chapman Sq. PPB st
— Dave Killen (@killendave) June 4, 2017
4:08 PM Police now declaring that both parks where Alt-Right rally and counter-demonstration took place are now off limits, stating that they will arrest people if they do not disperse. Now that they have evacuated the Alt-Right rally participants, they can turn their attention to attack their common enemies, anarchists and antifa.

Shopping cart Anti Fascist guillotine #pdx #pdxprotest #nonazis
— PDXFanatic (@PDXfanatic) June 4, 2017
More newstands being taken by masked protesters to add to the barricade. #Defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Moments after Portland Police closed south side of Chapman Square. #liveonk2 #pdxprotests
— Tristan Fortsch (@tristanCF) June 4, 2017
Antifa repurposed this traffic stuff and newspaper stands to create a barricade on sw 4 and main. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
— natalie solidarity (@C0nst4ntN4t4l13) June 4, 2017
#defendpdx no nazis
— T Molina (@StormVet90) June 4, 2017
#Portland police attack #DefendPDX rally.
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
Police declare the assembly unlawful and ask for people to leave. #pdx #defendpdx
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
Portland Police announce they’re closing the south side of Chapman. Tear gassing and using flashbangs on protesters
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
3:35 PM Police shooting projectiles and move into antifascist rally, protecting the neo-Nazis.

A group of demonstrators usher a man away from their group, chanting “Move racist, move!”
— Jim Ryan (@Jimryan015) June 4, 2017
Police just announce the southside of Chapman square is closed due to “criminal activity.” #defendPDX
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
3:30 PM Police announce that southside of Chapman square is closed; part of antifascist rally.

These two in red telling a small crowd that white oppression is worse than Native American oppression. #DefendPDX
— Joshua Lee (@JoshSondelski) June 4, 2017
Redhat just said Jeremy Christian’s double homicide in Portland was “self defense.”
— Andrew Brown (@playcritically) June 4, 2017
3:20 PM Kyle Chapman addresses Alt-Right rally.
This flag waving patriot gives, depending on whom you ask, the white power/ok sign. #Defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
— Zac Conklin-Farrell (@zacconklin) June 4, 2017
Counter-protesters on bikes are making slow circles around the alt-right rally here at Terry Schrunk Plaza #portland #protest #trump @wweek
— William Gagan (@WillyFoReal) June 4, 2017
This dude in armor is spitting mad. Told a woman, “go hang yourself, Bitch!” #DefendPDX
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
There’s WAY more of us than them.
This is us:
— The Vengeant ® (@TheVengeant) June 4, 2017
#Antifa chants “go home Nazis!” Loudest chant I’ve heard all day. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
3 PM Alt-Right neo-Nazi troll Baked Alaska addresses rally. Alaska was kicked out of Deploraball Trump celebration last year for anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi tweets. He openly calls people “Kikes.” Seems to have found a home at Portland Alt-Right rally.
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
Neo-Nazis with Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) rally in #Portland in the wake of #Portlandheroes standing up against Alt-Right terror.
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
2:45 PM Two members of the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) are spotted at Alt-Right rally. This makes yet another neo-Nazi group that was in attendance, including Identity Evropa. Members of the Alt-Right Proud Boys also are on the scene.
The alt right held a pathetic rally in Portland. They were met with a counter rally that was ten times the size. #DefendPDX
— Nathaniel St. Clair (@NatStClair) June 4, 2017
#Portland government + police make clear: “If you kill people and hold a rally, we will protect you from anarchists trying to oppose you.”
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
Two prominent “diversity is white genocide” signs in the middle of Joey Gibson’s rally. #DefendPDX
— Mike (@georgetownmike) June 4, 2017
Anarchist bike rally! #defendpdx
— natalie solidarity (@C0nst4ntN4t4l13) June 4, 2017
2:30 PM People on the ground report that at the liberal/socialist rally, members of the ISO are kicking out anyone with a mask on, putting those people at more risk of Alt-Right and police attacks. The ISO have also been in talks with the Mayor’s office, helping to channel people into their event and facilitate containment of the antifascist side. The “Free Speech” rally continues to remain small, and is currently surrounded on all sides and by a lot of police. Riot police have again successfully protect a group of (largely out of town) Alt-Right neo-Nazis and “Patriot” militants from the community that opposes them.
“No hate, no fear, Nazis get the f*ck out of here” #defendpdx
— Jov West (@Jov_West) June 4, 2017
Union protesters chant against Nazis. #Defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
the white supremacists are surrounded on 3 sides with a river of riot cops in between. #defendPDX
— small stories (@_smallstories) June 4, 2017
Because the road is open a group or bicyclists is circling the alt-right rally, slowly growing bigger. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
2:20 PM Reports of now three arrests.
The latest. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
2 PM Anarchist and antifascist rally only getting bigger.
Racists – Murderers – Fascists Out of #Portland! #DefendPDX
— th1an1 (@th1an1) June 4, 2017
As the antifa rally at Chapman swells, more police arrive.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 4, 2017
Riot police on top of cars only facing #antifa, not the #nazis behind them. Why? #altright came in full militarized gear. #defendpdx #pdx
— Photo Activist (@photoactivist) June 4, 2017
Black clad protesters chase out an agitator. #antifa #defendPDX
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
— dan bostian (@dbostian) June 4, 2017
They have open white supremacists and “death squad” cosplaying thugs, we have free ice cream… We have them surrounded.
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
#DefendPDX Marching band and dancing.
— Finding God in a Dog (@maxomai) June 4, 2017
1:50 PM: Bus drivers make a showing on the antifascist side. Proud boy driven out of the park.
Sorry for the crappy photo. Officers thank Trump Free Speech Rally hired security for their help taking down a fleeing protester.
— Bryan M. Vance (@BryanMVance) June 4, 2017
Man wearing #Proudboys shirt surrounded by yelling #Antifa – Silly Stringed… he eventually walks out of the park #Portland
— Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBC) June 4, 2017
Shout-out to the @ATU757pdx Bus Drivers Against Fascism out today #defendpdx
— Andrew Riley (@andrewariley) June 4, 2017
1:40 PM: Reports of at least 1k people out on the streets of Portland. Neo-Nazis with Identity Evropa have contingent within larger Alt-Right demo, as well as Proud Boys, and ‘Stickmen’ under the control of Kyle Chapman. Low numbers still on the Alt-Right side. Protest spilling into street.
Police heavily guarding Antifa side of the street along SW Madison, Chapman Square. Protest in front of City Hall has spilled into street
— Portland Tribune (@ThePortlandTrib) June 4, 2017
Gotta be 1000+ attendees total at the various rallies. #pdxprotest #portlandprotest
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
I found the antifa B squad.
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Von Ott is here with a group of. 8 or so dudes in lacrosse gear
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
1:20 PM: Rose City Antifa reports that Proud Boys, an Alt-Right group, are mobilizing.
Violence-worshipping alt-right thugs the “Proud Boys” are now trying to enter park at 4th and Madison. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
I think these state troopers are just hanging out to be able to get to the action quickly?
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
1:10 PM: Journalist bumps into “Jacob Von Ott,” a neo-Nazi in Identity Evropa. Seen weeks ago shaking hands with Jeremy Christian who was giving Hitler salutes.
Neo-Nazi with Identity Evropa on “Patriot” and “Free Speech” side. Was seen shaking hands with Jeremy Christian only weeks ago. #defendpdx
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
1:05 PM: Neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa has moved position.
Open white supremacists “Identity Europa” now at the north of Terry Shrunk plaza. #DefendPDX against these racist fratboy wannabes.
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
About 16 of the open white supremacists “Identity Europa” have now set up on SW 3rd and Madison. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
1 PM: Report of Kyle Chapman entering into the park.
This is convicted violent felon Kyle Chapman, who is headlining the alt-right’s “peaceful” free speech march in Portland today.#DefendPDX
— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) June 4, 2017
Signs held at the city hall counter-protest.
— Amelia Templeton (@ameliaOPB) June 4, 2017
12:57 PM: Neo-Nazis with Identity Evropa just arrived and are staging in the park.
The proud white supremacists of “Identity Europa” are staging at the south entrance of Terry Schrunk Plaza. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
— Mike (@georgetownmike) June 4, 2017
Organized labor showing up for Portland and taking a stand against hate.
— Mat dos Santos (@MatPDX) June 4, 2017
The alt-right thugs staging at the bottom of the Hawthorne Bridge #DefendPDX #NewBluehand #Bluehand #Antifa
— Antifa-GB (@Antifa_GB_1) June 4, 2017
Oregon Republican Mark Callahan who ran for Senate, participates in livestream with Alt-Right troll. Claims he doesn’t know about Christian.
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
12:47 PM: Police making one arrest.
Some alt-right thugs have wandered off to hassle homeless folks on 10th and Johnson. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
someone ran into alt-right rally. cops seem to be arresting him. #defendpdx
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
#DefendPDX If the “free speech demo” isn’t about white supremacism, why fly a white supremacist flag?
— Finding God in a Dog (@maxomai) June 4, 2017
12:45 PM: Rose City Antifa reports that Alt-Right staging.
Group of alt-right folks staging at the bottom of the Hawthorne Bridge. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12:35 PM: Report of more banner drops along highways in solidarity with #DefendPDX.
Remember that the Portland Police still have open neonazis serving in their ranks:
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
RT PNWAWC: #DefendPDX #NewBluehand #Bluehand #Antifa
— Antifa-GB (@Antifa_GB_1) June 4, 2017
12:30 PM: Police and Homeland Security lining up to keep the two sides separated, focusing energy on policing antifascists and anarchists. Alt-Right troll Tim Pool states that “Free Speech” Alt-Right rally is very small. Others report that there are only “dozens” of Alt-Right supporters, while there are hundreds of anarchists and antifascists.
Antifa free ice cream cart FTW #portlandrally
— Genna Martin (@photogenna) June 4, 2017
Definitely more people on the antifa side. Several hundred is a rough estimate.
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
These hate filled brainwashed LARPing white supremacist thugs have no place in our city or America. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
They have maybe a couple dozen people. We have hundreds. #DefendPDX
— Jana ✊️ (@sunjana1) June 4, 2017
Third crowd at Chapman Square. Dozens of riot cops. Two warnings so far to stay out of street or risk arrest for disorderly conduct
— Christen McCurdy (@CMcCurdyPDX) June 4, 2017
The fascist right brought their LARP game today. To quote a bystander “What a joke” #DefendPDX
— Blocktivist ⛔️ (@LaborNerd) June 4, 2017
Portland police in riot gear line north side of SW Madison in downtown Portland. Homeland Security lining the other side adjacent fed park.
— Mat dos Santos (@MatPDX) June 4, 2017
12: 26 PM: People in Alt-Right rally shouting “n-word.” Police respond by taking flags from antifascist side.
“Portland Labor has the clout to drive the Nazis out” 💙💙💙 #swoon #pdxdefense #resist
— sarah iannarone (@sarahforpdx) June 4, 2017
After altrighter “Porkchop” shouted n-word & burned anarchist flag police followed up by attacking anarchists to take their flags #defendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12:25 PM: Patriot groups complaining on livestream about chants of the larger antifascist group are “drowning out their free speech.”
12:20 PM: Rose City Antifa reports that police attacking the antifascist rally while leaving the Alt-Right rally alone.
Police have unilaterally attacked those protesting alt-right thugs while leaving Jeremy Christian’s defenders alone.
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12:17 PM: Portland police are taking flags from antifascist protesters. Also giving announcement over loud speakers.
— Bob (@rjhopjr) June 4, 2017
12:15 PM: Reports of police coming in and taking a spider puppet from antifa. Livestreamers claiming that antifascist rally growing, the “free speech” side is smaller. Local unions also out joining the protest.
RT georgetownmike: Joey Gibson claims to not invite white supremacists but he invited “Based Spartan.” #DefendPDX …
— Antifa-GB (@Antifa_GB_1) June 4, 2017
III%ers made Kevin put away his kekistan flag at a FREE SPEECH RALLY.#defendpdx
— H Fricke (@hfricken) June 4, 2017
Violent thug Joey Gibson is on site along with his antisemitic boy Tim Giomet (Baked Alaska). #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12 NOON: Riot police move against the antifascist rally, squared off across from the Alt-Right rally, reportedly arresting one youth skateboarding by. It is clear that the police view anarchists and antifascists as the chief enemy of the day, not the Alt-Right which produces murderer after murderer.
Cops literally busted the anarchist rally. Total ownage of the anarchists. Confiscation. Unsure about arrests
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Police advising all peoples to stay on the sidewalks. #DefendPDX
— Jana ✊️ (@sunjana1) June 4, 2017
Police have just arrested some random kid who was skatebording by. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
From Its Going Down
More analysis of this event check out: Confronting the Fash at #DefendPDX – Neo-Nazis Mobilize for ‘Patriot Prayer’ Rally – Poster: The Two Faces of Fascism
On Sunday, June 4th, people swarmed into downtown Portland for a series of demonstrations against the Alt-Right in the wake of two horrific murders and another stabbing, after a member of the Alt-Right tried to assault two women of color on a commuter MAX train last week. In Portland since the murders, more racist assaults have taken place against a MAX driver and against Muslim people. In the United States, a string of more racially motivated attacks have also taken place, from a machete attack in Clearlake, California, an assault on an Asian man in Southern California, the running over of an indigenous youth in Washington, not to mention the fact that the police killings across the United States are soaring. As of this writing, law enforcement in the United States have killed 504 people since the start of 2017, making for an average of over 3 a day.
What is happening in Portland should serve as a wakeup call for people across the US: the State does not care about racist and fascist violence; it does not see it as a threat to its power structure. People must come together where they are to push back against the far-Right and the danger that it represents as part of a broader struggle against capital and the State.
Throughout the day, numerous members of various fascist, neo-Nazi, and Alt-Right groups both addressed the crowd and were part of the demonstration, including Identity Evropa, the Proud Boys, and the Traditionalist Worker Party. Alt-Right speakers included Kyle Chapman and Baked Alaska, while white nationalists like Brittany Pettibone also livestreamed.
At 12 noon, Portland police rushed the antifascist rally, taking defensive items away and at around 3:30 PM, began to shoot into the crowd, attempting to force the black bloc out of the park so they could begin to evacuate the Alt-Right side. Police later kettled the antifascist side, not letting people leave until they had looked at their IDs. Members of the socialist group the International Socialist Organization, (ISO), who had been in talks with the Portland Mayor the past few days, worked to undermine the antifascist side, pushing people out of their rally at city hall who wore masks, and demanded that people leave the rally after police began to attack antifascists at Chapman Square. Report backs coming soon.
This page will be continuously updated throughout the day.
Lots of police activity at Chapman and Lowsdale square. Some protesters at city hall. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 5, 2017
Another clash… police run in and make an arrest… #Portlandprotests #Portland
— Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBC) June 5, 2017
A woman says she was attacked by a Trump supporter as he left Schrunk Plaza. Police moved in.
— Molly Harbarger (@MollyHarbarger) June 5, 2017
Tense moments as both groups trail through the city
— Karina Brown (@karinapdx) June 5, 2017
Police are taking pictures of our IDs before they let us leave, won’t tell us why
— Blake Montgomery (@blakersdozen) June 5, 2017
Pro-Trump rally at Terry Schrunk Plaza is now over. #LiveOnK2.
— KATU News (@KATUNews) June 5, 2017
5 PMPortland police are slowly letting people go, but checking IDs first.
those who were detained by Portland police are being released after their IDs are photographed. #gettyimagesnews
— scott olson (@olsongetty) June 4, 2017
Portland protesters are “free to go,” according to #Portland police. BUT they are being asked for ID to leave. Ugh.
— Lacy MacAuley (@lacymacauley) June 4, 2017
Police riffling through scattered belongings. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Police going through ppls belongings now searching under cars #defendpdx
— Zac Conklin-Farrell (@zacconklin) June 4, 2017
4:41 PMPolice and militia work together to make arrest.
Just now, militia+cops slammed a guy to the ground and arrested him for shouting. Second tandem militia+police arrest I’ve seen #defendpdx
— Andrew Riley (@andrewariley) June 4, 2017
Reminder that he’s a journalist covering the #defendpdx demo.
— natalie solidarity (@C0nst4ntN4t4l13) June 4, 2017
Scene from the police kettle, hundred or so detained including at least 4-5 journalists. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
We eagerly await the MAGA rallies in defense of the free speech of those attacked by the neonazi-harboring Portland Police today. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
Footage of people pepper sprayed, maybe rubber-bulleted while not able to leave area due to #Portland police.
— Lacy MacAuley (@lacymacauley) June 4, 2017
The police say they will be making arrests based on probable cause for disorderly conduct. Cops surrounded an entire block. #pdx #defendpdx
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
4:32 PM Portland police saying that they will make arrests based on ‘probable cause.’
At PDX rally this afternoon, AltRight leader reaffirms that Trumpers, Oath Keepers, III%ers, militias, and Proud Boys are his allies.
— Devin Burghart (@dburghart) June 4, 2017
Police seem to have shot a woman with less lethals. Something about shooting children? #DefendPDX
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
Pigs just hurt a journalist at 3rd and Madison. #DefendPDX
— Mike (@georgetownmike) June 4, 2017
4:23 PMPortland police now saying that they are detaining march due to ‘criminal mischief.’ Claim that people must leave the area, however they cannot leave. Saying they will arrest people who cannot physically disperse. Saying they are investigating “disorderly conduct.”
Police have moved in at 4th and Morrison and surrounding streets, stopping march. Demanding crowd disperse but not clear where to go
— Dave Killen (@killendave) June 4, 2017
White nationalists & their “free speech” dupes were completely surrounded but Portland Police helped their friends by attacking antifascists
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
Huge antifa march passing pioneer place mall. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Large group of Portlanders marching west stopped by a police line. #pdx #defendpdx Turned back.
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
4:13 PM Department of Homeland Security and Portland Police out on the streets to attack the anarchist and antifa rally.
Cops firing unprovoked rubber bullets at kids holding sign that says “mourn the dead”
— Karina Brown (@karinapdx) June 4, 2017
It’s “an illegal assembly” now. 🤷🏼♀️#DefendPDX
— The Vengeant ® (@TheVengeant) June 4, 2017
Portlanders, who live there, being told by cops to leave while antagonistic supremacists are protected by homeland security. #pdx #defendpdx
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
Trump supporter causes a scuffle with the pro-Labor protest and then tries to run back to Schrunk Plaza but gets arrested.
— Molly Harbarger (@MollyHarbarger) June 4, 2017
This group joins antifascists at Chapman Square in opposition to Trump free speech rally
— Hal Bernton (@hbernton) June 4, 2017
Now that Baked Alaska guy is trolling people across the street w a bullhorn. It is bad trolling.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 4, 2017
Some protesters have locked arms. But by and large they’re backing off of the police. At least 20 feet between the main lines.
— Bryan M. Vance (@BryanMVance) June 4, 2017
Things are at something of a standoff at the north side of Chapman Sq. PPB st
— Dave Killen (@killendave) June 4, 2017
4:08 PM Police now declaring that both parks where Alt-Right rally and counter-demonstration took place are now off limits, stating that they will arrest people if they do not disperse. Now that they have evacuated the Alt-Right rally participants, they can turn their attention to attack their common enemies, anarchists and antifa.
Shopping cart Anti Fascist guillotine #pdx #pdxprotest #nonazis
— PDXFanatic (@PDXfanatic) June 4, 2017
More newstands being taken by masked protesters to add to the barricade. #Defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Moments after Portland Police closed south side of Chapman Square. #liveonk2 #pdxprotests
— Tristan Fortsch (@tristanCF) June 4, 2017
Antifa repurposed this traffic stuff and newspaper stands to create a barricade on sw 4 and main. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
— natalie solidarity (@C0nst4ntN4t4l13) June 4, 2017
#defendpdx no nazis
— T Molina (@StormVet90) June 4, 2017
#Portland police attack #DefendPDX rally.
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
Police declare the assembly unlawful and ask for people to leave. #pdx #defendpdx
— ⓥ (@Vanadia) June 4, 2017
Portland Police announce they’re closing the south side of Chapman. Tear gassing and using flashbangs on protesters
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
3:35 PM Police shooting projectiles and move into antifascist rally, protecting the neo-Nazis.
A group of demonstrators usher a man away from their group, chanting “Move racist, move!”
— Jim Ryan (@Jimryan015) June 4, 2017
Police just announce the southside of Chapman square is closed due to “criminal activity.” #defendPDX
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
3:30 PM Police announce that southside of Chapman square is closed; part of antifascist rally.
These two in red telling a small crowd that white oppression is worse than Native American oppression. #DefendPDX
— Joshua Lee (@JoshSondelski) June 4, 2017
Redhat just said Jeremy Christian’s double homicide in Portland was “self defense.”
— Andrew Brown (@playcritically) June 4, 2017
3:20 PM Kyle Chapman addresses Alt-Right rally.
This flag waving patriot gives, depending on whom you ask, the white power/ok sign. #Defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
— Zac Conklin-Farrell (@zacconklin) June 4, 2017
Counter-protesters on bikes are making slow circles around the alt-right rally here at Terry Schrunk Plaza #portland #protest #trump @wweek
— William Gagan (@WillyFoReal) June 4, 2017
This dude in armor is spitting mad. Told a woman, “go hang yourself, Bitch!” #DefendPDX
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
There’s WAY more of us than them.
This is us:
— The Vengeant ® (@TheVengeant) June 4, 2017
#Antifa chants “go home Nazis!” Loudest chant I’ve heard all day. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
3 PM Alt-Right neo-Nazi troll Baked Alaska addresses rally. Alaska was kicked out of Deploraball Trump celebration last year for anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi tweets. He openly calls people “Kikes.” Seems to have found a home at Portland Alt-Right rally.
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
Neo-Nazis with Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) rally in #Portland in the wake of #Portlandheroes standing up against Alt-Right terror.
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
2:45 PM Two members of the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) are spotted at Alt-Right rally. This makes yet another neo-Nazi group that was in attendance, including Identity Evropa. Members of the Alt-Right Proud Boys also are on the scene.
The alt right held a pathetic rally in Portland. They were met with a counter rally that was ten times the size. #DefendPDX
— Nathaniel St. Clair (@NatStClair) June 4, 2017
#Portland government + police make clear: “If you kill people and hold a rally, we will protect you from anarchists trying to oppose you.”
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
Two prominent “diversity is white genocide” signs in the middle of Joey Gibson’s rally. #DefendPDX
— Mike (@georgetownmike) June 4, 2017
Anarchist bike rally! #defendpdx
— natalie solidarity (@C0nst4ntN4t4l13) June 4, 2017
2:30 PM People on the ground report that at the liberal/socialist rally, members of the ISO are kicking out anyone with a mask on, putting those people at more risk of Alt-Right and police attacks. The ISO have also been in talks with the Mayor’s office, helping to channel people into their event and facilitate containment of the antifascist side. The “Free Speech” rally continues to remain small, and is currently surrounded on all sides and by a lot of police. Riot police have again successfully protect a group of (largely out of town) Alt-Right neo-Nazis and “Patriot” militants from the community that opposes them.
“No hate, no fear, Nazis get the f*ck out of here” #defendpdx
— Jov West (@Jov_West) June 4, 2017
Union protesters chant against Nazis. #Defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
the white supremacists are surrounded on 3 sides with a river of riot cops in between. #defendPDX
— small stories (@_smallstories) June 4, 2017
Because the road is open a group or bicyclists is circling the alt-right rally, slowly growing bigger. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
2:20 PM Reports of now three arrests.
The latest. #defendpdx
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
2 PM Anarchist and antifascist rally only getting bigger.
Racists – Murderers – Fascists Out of #Portland! #DefendPDX
— th1an1 (@th1an1) June 4, 2017
As the antifa rally at Chapman swells, more police arrive.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 4, 2017
Riot police on top of cars only facing #antifa, not the #nazis behind them. Why? #altright came in full militarized gear. #defendpdx #pdx
— Photo Activist (@photoactivist) June 4, 2017
Black clad protesters chase out an agitator. #antifa #defendPDX
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
— dan bostian (@dbostian) June 4, 2017
They have open white supremacists and “death squad” cosplaying thugs, we have free ice cream… We have them surrounded.
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
#DefendPDX Marching band and dancing.
— Finding God in a Dog (@maxomai) June 4, 2017
1:50 PM: Bus drivers make a showing on the antifascist side. Proud boy driven out of the park.
Sorry for the crappy photo. Officers thank Trump Free Speech Rally hired security for their help taking down a fleeing protester.
— Bryan M. Vance (@BryanMVance) June 4, 2017
Man wearing #Proudboys shirt surrounded by yelling #Antifa – Silly Stringed… he eventually walks out of the park #Portland
— Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBC) June 4, 2017
Shout-out to the @ATU757pdx Bus Drivers Against Fascism out today #defendpdx
— Andrew Riley (@andrewariley) June 4, 2017
1:40 PM: Reports of at least 1k people out on the streets of Portland. Neo-Nazis with Identity Evropa have contingent within larger Alt-Right demo, as well as Proud Boys, and ‘Stickmen’ under the control of Kyle Chapman. Low numbers still on the Alt-Right side. Protest spilling into street.
Police heavily guarding Antifa side of the street along SW Madison, Chapman Square. Protest in front of City Hall has spilled into street
— Portland Tribune (@ThePortlandTrib) June 4, 2017
Gotta be 1000+ attendees total at the various rallies. #pdxprotest #portlandprotest
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
I found the antifa B squad.
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Von Ott is here with a group of. 8 or so dudes in lacrosse gear
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
1:20 PM: Rose City Antifa reports that Proud Boys, an Alt-Right group, are mobilizing.
Violence-worshipping alt-right thugs the “Proud Boys” are now trying to enter park at 4th and Madison. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
I think these state troopers are just hanging out to be able to get to the action quickly?
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
1:10 PM: Journalist bumps into “Jacob Von Ott,” a neo-Nazi in Identity Evropa. Seen weeks ago shaking hands with Jeremy Christian who was giving Hitler salutes.
Neo-Nazi with Identity Evropa on “Patriot” and “Free Speech” side. Was seen shaking hands with Jeremy Christian only weeks ago. #defendpdx
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
1:05 PM: Neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa has moved position.
Open white supremacists “Identity Europa” now at the north of Terry Shrunk plaza. #DefendPDX against these racist fratboy wannabes.
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
About 16 of the open white supremacists “Identity Europa” have now set up on SW 3rd and Madison. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
1 PM: Report of Kyle Chapman entering into the park.
This is convicted violent felon Kyle Chapman, who is headlining the alt-right’s “peaceful” free speech march in Portland today.#DefendPDX
— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) June 4, 2017
Signs held at the city hall counter-protest.
— Amelia Templeton (@ameliaOPB) June 4, 2017
12:57 PM: Neo-Nazis with Identity Evropa just arrived and are staging in the park.
The proud white supremacists of “Identity Europa” are staging at the south entrance of Terry Schrunk Plaza. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
— Mike (@georgetownmike) June 4, 2017
Organized labor showing up for Portland and taking a stand against hate.
— Mat dos Santos (@MatPDX) June 4, 2017
The alt-right thugs staging at the bottom of the Hawthorne Bridge #DefendPDX #NewBluehand #Bluehand #Antifa
— Antifa-GB (@Antifa_GB_1) June 4, 2017
Oregon Republican Mark Callahan who ran for Senate, participates in livestream with Alt-Right troll. Claims he doesn’t know about Christian.
— It’s Going Down (@IGD_News) June 4, 2017
12:47 PM: Police making one arrest.
Some alt-right thugs have wandered off to hassle homeless folks on 10th and Johnson. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
someone ran into alt-right rally. cops seem to be arresting him. #defendpdx
— tree kisser (@treekisser) June 4, 2017
#DefendPDX If the “free speech demo” isn’t about white supremacism, why fly a white supremacist flag?
— Finding God in a Dog (@maxomai) June 4, 2017
12:45 PM: Rose City Antifa reports that Alt-Right staging.
Group of alt-right folks staging at the bottom of the Hawthorne Bridge. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12:35 PM: Report of more banner drops along highways in solidarity with #DefendPDX.
Remember that the Portland Police still have open neonazis serving in their ranks:
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
RT PNWAWC: #DefendPDX #NewBluehand #Bluehand #Antifa
— Antifa-GB (@Antifa_GB_1) June 4, 2017
12:30 PM: Police and Homeland Security lining up to keep the two sides separated, focusing energy on policing antifascists and anarchists. Alt-Right troll Tim Pool states that “Free Speech” Alt-Right rally is very small. Others report that there are only “dozens” of Alt-Right supporters, while there are hundreds of anarchists and antifascists.
Antifa free ice cream cart FTW #portlandrally
— Genna Martin (@photogenna) June 4, 2017
Definitely more people on the antifa side. Several hundred is a rough estimate.
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
These hate filled brainwashed LARPing white supremacist thugs have no place in our city or America. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
They have maybe a couple dozen people. We have hundreds. #DefendPDX
— Jana ✊️ (@sunjana1) June 4, 2017
Third crowd at Chapman Square. Dozens of riot cops. Two warnings so far to stay out of street or risk arrest for disorderly conduct
— Christen McCurdy (@CMcCurdyPDX) June 4, 2017
The fascist right brought their LARP game today. To quote a bystander “What a joke” #DefendPDX
— Blocktivist ⛔️ (@LaborNerd) June 4, 2017
Portland police in riot gear line north side of SW Madison in downtown Portland. Homeland Security lining the other side adjacent fed park.
— Mat dos Santos (@MatPDX) June 4, 2017
12: 26 PM: People in Alt-Right rally shouting “n-word.” Police respond by taking flags from antifascist side.
“Portland Labor has the clout to drive the Nazis out” 💙💙💙 #swoon #pdxdefense #resist
— sarah iannarone (@sarahforpdx) June 4, 2017
After altrighter “Porkchop” shouted n-word & burned anarchist flag police followed up by attacking anarchists to take their flags #defendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12:25 PM: Patriot groups complaining on livestream about chants of the larger antifascist group are “drowning out their free speech.”
12:20 PM: Rose City Antifa reports that police attacking the antifascist rally while leaving the Alt-Right rally alone.
Police have unilaterally attacked those protesting alt-right thugs while leaving Jeremy Christian’s defenders alone.
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12:17 PM: Portland police are taking flags from antifascist protesters. Also giving announcement over loud speakers.
— Bob (@rjhopjr) June 4, 2017
12:15 PM: Reports of police coming in and taking a spider puppet from antifa. Livestreamers claiming that antifascist rally growing, the “free speech” side is smaller. Local unions also out joining the protest.
RT georgetownmike: Joey Gibson claims to not invite white supremacists but he invited “Based Spartan.” #DefendPDX …
— Antifa-GB (@Antifa_GB_1) June 4, 2017
III%ers made Kevin put away his kekistan flag at a FREE SPEECH RALLY.#defendpdx
— H Fricke (@hfricken) June 4, 2017
Violent thug Joey Gibson is on site along with his antisemitic boy Tim Giomet (Baked Alaska). #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017
12 NOON: Riot police move against the antifascist rally, squared off across from the Alt-Right rally, reportedly arresting one youth skateboarding by. It is clear that the police view anarchists and antifascists as the chief enemy of the day, not the Alt-Right which produces murderer after murderer.
Cops literally busted the anarchist rally. Total ownage of the anarchists. Confiscation. Unsure about arrests
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 4, 2017
Police advising all peoples to stay on the sidewalks. #DefendPDX
— Jana ✊️ (@sunjana1) June 4, 2017
Police have just arrested some random kid who was skatebording by. #DefendPDX
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) June 4, 2017