Vancouver BC Antifa Report Back New Westminster Antifascist Rally
Submitted Anonymously Sunday January 29th 2017, approximately 100-150 people rallied in New Westminster for the Antifascist & Anti-neoNazi demonstration at 1pm. The crowd…
Shooter of unarmed anti-racist walks free; Authorities silent.
From Twin Cities General Defense Committee GDC SEATTLE, WA, January 25, 2017 — Social media activists claim to have identified the person who…
Antifascist Fliers Put Up In Olympia WA
Feeling inspired after a very well attended talk on anti-fascism in downtown Olympia, a group of anarchists got together to wheat paste anti-fascist…
What Counts as Violence? Why the Right Can Shoot Us Now
A long-time anti-fascist was shot Friday night during a protest of alt-right racist and troll Milo Yiannopoulos, in the middle of a crowded…
J20 Seattle: Full Report Back from Milo Event Disruption
From Its Going Down This communique comes from comrades in Seattle, centering on the Milo event. We offer these reports and our initial…