Anti-Fascist PNW Hatewatch

Larkin McIntyre & Vinland Rebels: Nazi Bonehead in Shoreline Schools

reposted from Corvallis Antifa

This following is the second article in a series exposing the Northwest Nationalist Network and it’s member-groups by ourselves, SunlightAFA, SoCal Research Club, FashFreeNW, Stumptown Research Collective, and some super secret antifascist anons. Before reading this, we highly suggest you check out the first article in the series that features information about Evergreen Active Club. Enjoy!

Larkin McIntyre is a white supremacist operating out of Bothell, Washington. He is associated with Vinland Rebels, North Sound Proud Boys, and the Northwest Nationalist Network. Larkin first came on our radar as a poster in the Pacific Northwest Territorial Imperative telegram chat (further discussed here). Larkin posted under the name Taxi Driver using the handle @oneLEADFOOT. He would later change this handle to @Hail_the_Order when it became apparent that the spaces he’d been operating in had been thoroughly infiltrated. In the PNWTI telegram, Larkin posted about being a longtime member of the white nationalist movement, and claims to have been a devotee of neo-Nazi leader Tom Metzger dating back to the 90s.

Larkin describing himself as a longtime Nazi and supporter of Richard Butler and Tom Metzger

It wasn’t hard to track down Larkin from his telegram handle. A simple google search revealed a youtube channel named oneLEADFOOT. The account primarily posts videos of a man driving around the Puget Sound in a 2006 Pontiac GTO.

The subject of this article’s vehicle

This account follows dozens of channels including multiple explicit Nazis. In this following list, one account stood out. It only had two subscribers and had never posted a single video. The name on the account… Larkin McIntyre. When looking at the youtube account’s profile picture, we saw a man with shoulder tattoos that look a lot like the ones proudly displayed in Taxi Driver’s Telegram profile picture. Further investigation into Larkin reveals he’s completely covered in these absolutely dogshit tattoos, and has an Odal rune tattooed over his heart. The Odal is frequently used by neo-Nazis as a replacement for the swastika.

Larkin’s Youtube account
Taxi Driver’s Telegram account
Larkin’s matching tattoos displayed on a public Instagram profile

Looking into Larkin further, we learned that he’s a deeply mids painter (really following the leader on that one…). Further confirmation of his identity comes from the fact that the art he posts on his public social media matches art featured on Taxi Driver’s Telegram profile.

Taxi Driver’s profile picture
Art done by Larkin

While this dude’s paintings are powerfully uninteresting and kinda cringe, it seems that some galleries in Seattle and elsewhere have housed his work. At present, we are unaware of any galleries currently promoting him. If readers come across any, we encourage them to let us know and to send them this article.

Aren’t Nazis supposed to care about the beauty of traditional art or whatever…?


Larkin is a member of Vinland Rebels, an overtly neo-Nazi bonehead organization. The group has documented activity in Tennessee, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, and Washington. VR is listed as a member group of Northwest Nationalist Network, a coalition of neo-Nazi organizations operating in the Pacific Northwest. More information about 3N can be found in the first article in this series. Vinland Rebels is an organization primarily consisting of older boneheads attempting (and failing) to emulate the tactics of younger racists. The group typically operates in coalition with Active Clubs and White Lives Matter groups. Their independent activities have been relatively minor, and mostly consist of shitty banner drops and graffiti. Larkin has been present at multiple banner drops that have been filmed and used for propaganda purposes.

Larkin at a banner drop wearing a Vinland Rebels mask
Larkin holding a Nazi flag
Those eyebrows sure look familiar…
a tweet detailing the destruction of a “It’s Okay To Be White” banner dropped by Larkin

The banner from the above pictures was rapidly taken down and destroyed by community activists in Everett. It should be noted that the banner was coated in come sort of toxic irritant that effected the skin and lungs of the people who took it down. Pro tip for fascists, if you’re going to try to poison people, you might not want to have such sloppy opsec. That might just wind up biting you in the ass…

Vinland Rebels haven’t been particularly effective in coalition organizing either. Larkin and other VR members were present in the initial organizing for the disastrous neo-Nazi action at Coeur d’Alene pride in 2022. They proceeded to start drama in the organizing chat and had several of their members kicked out.

Taxi Driver joining the coalition chat
Vinland Rebels getting kicked for being drama queens
Larkin at CDA Pride
Larkin with another Vinland Rebels member

Under the VR banner, Larkin has participated in at least two demonstrations with the Northwest Nationalist Network.  Most recently, he joined in the disruption of Perry Pride in eastern Washingon, where Northwest Nationalist Network members harassed pride attendees, and held banners on an overpass.

Larkin holding a Vinland Rebels banner in Perry
Larkin wearing a Vinland Rebels shirt in Perry
Larkin seig-heiling in Pride

He was also present in Florence, Oregon when the group harassed a drag queen story hour. He can be seen in several videos taken and circulated by 3N yelling at passersby through a megaphone with a, “white pride world wide” sticker on it.

Also repping VR in Florence were Chris and Alena Mack, an Olympia-based neo-Nazi couple who gained infamy for making a group of children seig-heil at a PNW Wolfpack gathering.

Chris Mack can be seen below displaying his wolfsangel forearm tattoo. The same tattoo is visible in the above group picture from Florence, and is another symbol frequently used by neo-Nazis. The particular depiction of the wolfsangel looks like the one used by the 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division.

Chris Mack in a Liftwaffe shirt showing off his tattoo
Alena Mack: child groomer

Chris Mack was also present in Montana on May 20th when 3N traveled to harass two pride events in Bozeman and Livingston. At these events, the Nazis got brutally clowned on by locals, and left dejected after failing to stop either event.

Chris Mack in Montana

Like many members of Evergreen Active Club, Chris and Alena are deeply connected to the Hammerskins, a notorious neo-Nazi street gang that was implicated in the Wisconsin Sikh temple mass shooting. Chris’ brother Edward “Skip” Mack plays for the HSN-affiliated band Ironwill.


It is likely that Larkin is affiliated with the North Sound Proud Boys chapter in addition to 3N and VR. While the Proud Boys have always harbored neo-Nazis in their ranks, many of them have more recently gone full mask off as open fascists. One of Larkin’s telegram pictures features a Nazi rip of the Proud Boys’ rooster logo featuring altered SS bolts that read, “NS.” A prominent member of the North Sound Proud Boys chapter, Zach Staggs also has this imagery in his profile picture. Larkin McIntyre’s Telegram Zack Staggs’ Telegram

Further cementing his PB connections, Larkin has used #proudboy on social media posts dating back to 2020.


Larkin is currently employed by the Shoreline Public School District in King County, WA. Larkin works in  their trades department. According to state records, he made $82,618 last year. It should be incredibly concerning to the school district that this man comes in contact with children on daily basis. It should also be noted that the district has adopted an explicit anti-racism resolution. Even setting aside Larkin’s abhorrent political activities, he definitely shouldn’t be working with kids as he flagrantly associates with convicted child abuser Casey Knutson, the leader of Rose City Nationalists. We encourage readers to reach out to Shoreline School District at 206-393-6111, and let them know that they have a Nazi in their midst.

Individuals or groups interested in learning more about Larkin McIntyre’s whereabouts may reach out to us at