reposted from Rose City Antifa
Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, has obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of articles detailing the Proud Boys’ specific brand of organized hate, and the individuals who make up this rising “weekend warrior” gang, in order to alert the community about the threat that this group poses. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Articles in the Series:
Introduction: The Pacific Northwest Proud Boys – White Nationalist Social Club
Volume 1: Robert Zerfing, Travis Nugent, Caleb Stevens, Ethan Nordean
Volume 2: Dominick Owen, “Tiny” Tusitala John Toese, Aaron Laigaie, Anthony Edward Bell
Dominick Alexander Owen

During the months leading up to Joey Gibson’s abortive September 10, 2017 rally, Proud Boy Dominick Owen sought to star in the “eager right hand man” role currently occupied by Derrick Lancaster. That rally was a giant failure due to an enormous level of anti-fascist community support which prevented Joey Gibson from even showing his face in Portland. After the hastily-assembled Vancouver, WA replacement rally, Owen rode around in Donovon Flippo’s white Chevy Avalanche along with fellow Proud Boy David Silliman and violent youtuber Kerry Hudson. These men indiscriminately sprayed mace out of the passenger windows while driving at high speed until Flippo accidentally hit a police car, and as a result the men were briefly detained.
Despite such an auspicious beginning, Owen’s relationship with his fellow Proud Boys deteriorated into petty squabbling in the months that followed. He eventually fell out with most members of the organization. His exposure to the neo-Nazi proselytization and white nationalist “identitarian” pseudo-science platformed by Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer rallies seems to have allowed him to transition from white nationalist Proud Boy into full blown Hitler-admiring fascist.

Dominick Owen posts a photograph of himself helping Joey Gibson in his home office prior to Joey Gibson’s September 10, 2017 rally.

Thanks to Patriot Prayer rallies, Dominick Owen made friends with Bene Harrison, a northern Washington neo-Nazi affiliated with the Cascade Legion fascist organization.

Proud Boys Dominick Owen, Donovon Flippo, and David Silliman ride around with violent youtuber Kerry Hudson, pepper-spraying bystanders before they run into a cop car. The police let them go.

_Dominick Owen appeared in a Facebook live interview with Joey Gibson and Jonathan Zimmerman. In the interview they made jokes and excuses about Patriot Prayer follower Billy Wilson attempting to run down activists with his confederate flag decorated pickup truck._

Dominick Owen poses with fellow members of the Proud Boys Cameron Heugly, Joseph Bomers, Aaron Laigaie, Anthony Bell, Gabriel Bowman, Matteo Dagradi, and Jake Farmer.

Dominick Owen attends a Patriot Prayer anti-immigrant hate rally. He is pictured here with fellow Proud Boys Aaron Williamson and Cameron Heugly, Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer followers Krystal Ann, Pam Brumfield-Uriarte, Kristopher Foster, and David Machado, U.S. House Oregon District 5 Republican Primary 2018 winner Mark Callahan, and a member of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi group we are currently calling “Prep Stormer”.

Dominick Owen at Joey Gibson’s December 9, 2017 anti-immigrant hate rally, also pictured are Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson; fellow Proud Boys Nick Boling, Donovon Flippo, Aaron Williamson, Cameron Heugly, and Caleb Stevens; violent far-right youtubers Justin Sheets, Keith Campbell, and Kerry Hudson; hate preacher Quincy Anatello and his violent white nationalist colleague Allen Pucket; regional fascists Thorsson Snyder and Liam Wynn, and Patriot Prayer followers Jay Harris, David Machado, and James Johnson.

Dominick Owen offers a warm greeting to Vancouver WA Nazi and PDX Stormers member Alex Becker at Joey Gibson’s anti-immigrant hate rally.

Owen spreads racist pseudo-science with Merced CA Patriot Prayer supporter Jourdin Davis. Davis was also present with Pacific Northwest Proud Boy Rob Cantrall when Cantrall threatened to burn down a bookstore in Berkeley, CA.

(Top) Owen expresses a desire for “civil war” in response to the #MeToo movement, (Bottom) Owen fantasizes about participating in fascist murder via participation in “right-wing death squads.”

Dominick Alexander Owen is a white nationalist who wishes to expel non-white people from his country.

Dominick Owen expresses his admiration for the fascist murders carried out by Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, a common theme for Proud Boys such as Robert Zerfing.

_(Left) Dominick Owen posts a “fashwave” meme with the well-known Nazi slogan “Blood and Soil”. (Right) Owen posts another white nationalist “fashwave” meme which bears a striking resemblance to the Proud Boys’ dog-whistle refusal to “apologize for creating the western world.”_

_A small sampling of Dominick Owen’s anti-semitic conspiracy theory facebook posts which use the “echo” parentheses meme._

_A snapshot of Dominick Owen’s facebook profile includes fascist symbolism such as the sonnenrad, references the “14 words” neo-Nazi slogan, and cites Henry Ford’s anti-semitic pamphlet “The International Jew”._

_Dominick Owen references the neo-Nazi 14 words slogan on facebook and receives favorable responses from northern Washington neo-Nazi Bene Harrison (aka Mike Brown) and also from Portland, OR area Patriot Prayer follower Dakota James Miller._

Dominick Owen spreads racist pseudo-science, anti-semitic conspiracy theories, and neo-Nazi propaganda while assuring us that he is also armed.

Dominick Owen recommends a revisionist pro-Hitler documentary and continues to push the Donald Trump “MAGA” slogan embraced by organizations like Patriot Prayer.

A more-recent snapshot of Dominick Owen’s Facebook activity shows that he has become an open neo-Nazi.

Dominick Owen makes a post anticipating that he will be banned from Facebook for constantly sharing Nazi propaganda. The responses indicate that, despite his overt fascist politics, he maintains warm relationships among Proud Boys such as Todd Douglas Cadwell (aka Todvar Al-Shabazz Cadwilski), and Patriot Prayer followers like Mark Buckley, Carl D Todd, and III% enthusiast Angela Roman.
Current Details:
Name: Dominick Alexander Owen
aka: Dominick Altowen
DOB: 8/15/92
Address: 14805 SE 179th St # D, Renton WA 98058
Vehicle: Red Pickup Truck
Instagram: (formerly: )

Truck belonging to Dominick Owen.
“Tiny” Tusitala John Toese

Tusitala Toese aka “Tiny” is perhaps one of the most recognizable characters in the local Proud Boys chapter, as well as Patriot Prayer. He effectively serves as a mascot and figurehead for both groups. He is also frequently trotted out at rallies and online as proof of “diversity” within the Proud Boys organization.
Toese is often heard giving what he refers to as his “testimony,” claiming to have once been filled with anger towards the right-wing. During an impassioned speech at a rally in Seattle on August 13th, 2017 he stated “I was a hard-core Trump anti-Trump (sic), I used to drive around looking for Trump stickers and Trump hats and just beat the shit out of people.” Toese claims he had his “come to Jesus” moment after watching a Youtube video of Gibson giving a speech at a Trump rally in Vancouver, WA.
But Toese’s own Facebook proves that this claim is a lie. In a photo dated July 29th, 2015, Toese poses for a selfie holding a rifle and wearing a USA Freedom motif T-shirt. Trump only announced that he was running for president on June 16th, 2015. In that period of just over a month, MAGA hats and Trump stickers did not yet exist.

Contrary to Toese’s claims, he has been cultivating an image as a violent far-right figure since 2015.
Toese was among the earliest of Joey Gibson’s supporters who traveled to Berkeley to fight alongside the openly neo-Nazi “Rise Above Movement” on April 15, 2017. He quickly became part of Gibson’s team of enforcers, traveling with him to New York City for an islamophobic rally that May.

Toese is pictured here in Berkeley CA with other Joey Gibson followers who traveled to Berkeley for the April 15, 2017 rally, where they assisted neo-Nazis in assaulting activists.

_(LEFT) Toese is pictured with the group of Joey Gibson followers who traveled to NYC for an Islamophobic rally organized by Nazi-affiliated pedophilia-apologist Milo Yiannopoulos and notorious Islamophobe Pam Geller. Among Toese’s traveling companions pictured here are (third from left, standing) ex-Doomsday Preppers actor and convicted child sex offender Tyler Smith and (laying on ground) alt-right celebrity try-hard Haley Adams, who has advocated for the racist murder of immigrants. (RIGHT) After they returned from their travels, a squabble broke out among them, and Toese made a live video acknowledging that they had known about Smith’s sex-offender status before the trip._
There is also plenty of documentation of him and other Proud Boy goons assaulting unsuspecting people in the Portland area. Toese thrives on the adoration of his fellow Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, the far-right, and basically anyone else that will give him the attention he needs. The thing he is most often praised for is his violence towards counter-protesters and other random people. This has created a dangerous positive feedback loop in which the more violent he becomes the more praise he gets– and the more praise he gets the more people suffer from his unprovoked attacks. Toese is just 22 years old, his Patriot Prayer/Proud Boy cohort are frequently more than 15 years his senior, adding another unsettling dimension to the exploitive dynamic between Toese and his “friends”.

The airing of dirty laundry and interpersonal drama among the right wing dead-enders who produced Patriot Prayer reveals that Toese holds the dubious honor of having been one of the original members of the “American Freedom Keepers” group.

Toese, misidentified by this twitter user as an Oathkeeper, assaults a protester who was being arrested at Joey Gibson’s June 4, 2017 hate rally in downtown Portland OR. This was not the only incident of arrests being “assisted” by far-right Patriot Prayer adherents at that event.

Tiny Toese is photographed with fellow Proud Boys Sean Mitchell and Joseph Taylor as well as with local fascists Liam Wynn and Matt Duffy at Joey Gibson’s June 30, 2017 waterfront hate rally.

Toese is seen with Joey Gibson and then-Identity-Europa-coordinator Jake Von Ott at Joey Gibson’s hate rally on the Portland waterfront on August 6, 2017. Proud Boy Caleb Stevens is also visible next to Toese and Ott.

Tiny Toese hugs violent Patriot Prayer follower Mark Riche immediately after Mark Riche has mistaken Toese for an anti-fascist activist and swung an axe handle into his face. Also visible are Proud Boys Aaron Laigaie and Mark Rupprecht, as well as local fascists Liam Wynn and Jake Von Ott.

In this still from a Justin Sheets youtube video entitled “Antifa always accusing ppl of being nazis . Always ! I don’t think they know the meaning of nazi”, Tiny Toese takes a selfie with four members of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization at an October 15, 2017 Patriot Prayer rally in Salem, OR.

Toese is photographed extending a warm welcome to PDX Stormers neo-Nazi Jarl Rockhill after numerous activists had offered explicit information about his politics and intentions. Time and time again, Toese has been documented permitting and assisting the efforts of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other fascists as they recruit and organize at Joey Gibson’s far-right rallies.

On the anniversary of the murder of Mulugeta Seraw by the neo-Nazi “East Side White Pride” gang, Toese attends a neo-Nazi propaganda rally while flying a tacky and racist confederate flag hybrid. Also pictured are rally organizer Morgan Brandfors, and fellow Proud Boy Donovon Flippo.

Toese, in the brown jacket and grey ball cap, punches two activists as Proud Boys’ attack a Planned Parenthood support demonstration on February 9th, 2018.
Toese is the only member of either Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys to ever have been arrested in the Patriot Prayer/Proud Boy melees in Portland. However, his violent temper has gotten him into legal trouble in other places as well. Unrelated to any far-right events, on March 6, 2018 he was arrested for attempting to assault someone suspected of burglarizing a family member’s apartment. It took four police officers to subdue him, and when they finally had him in handcuffs, they discovered he was carrying brass knuckles. Toese was charged with interferring with police, resisting arrest, and possession of a dangerous weapon.

Statement by a Vancouver Police Department officer relating to Toese’s March 6, 2018 arrest.
Despite all the lionization of the police conducted by Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, Toese seems to be allergic to showing up for his court dates. After missing a May 3rd, 2018 court date, a charge of bail jumping was added to Toese’s case. Currently, there is a warrant out for him in Vancouver (nonextraditable outside of that city).
But that hasn’t stopped Toese from assaulting people. In late May, Toese, Donovon Flippo, and Russell Schultz picked a fight with some teenagers at the Vancouver Mall. They yelled racist pro-Trump harassment at them, then Toese and Donovon jumped out of their truck to attack them. Flippo later posted the victims’ video of the attack to his facebook wall to gloat and tagged Toese in the post. Their comments spelled out the nature of the assault, and gave Proud Boy Russell Schultz an opportunity to make a racist “dindu nuffin” joke.

Proud Boys gloat about fighting teenagers at the mall.
On June 8, 2018, Toese allegedly assaulted a bystander while driving through Portland with fellow Proud Boys Russell Schultz and Donovon Flippo. At the time all three were apparently harassing pedestrians by yelling pro-Trump rhetoric at them. This trend, of them driving around trying to “trigger the libs” and then assaulting anyone who responds, is a disturbing increase in violence for both the Proud Boys and Tiny, individually.
Toese’s presence as a person of Pacific Islander heritage among the Proud Boys is often used as an example that they cannot possibly be racist (despite all the other overwhelming evidence that they are racist). But interestingly, Toese is actually one of the most strident defenders of fascists in the Northwest Proud Boys group. In addition to his violent defense of fascists at Gibson’s rallies, Toese often takes to the internet to defend fascist groups like Identity Europa, and has been pictured with a number of fascist groups.

Toese claims that his eyes have been opened by the events which transpired at the white supremacist melee in which a fascist murdered Heather Heyer. His continued involvement with Patriot Prayer’s far-right, fascist-friendly events indicates that it did not change him much.

Tiny Toese adopts a permissive tone with northern-Washington white nationalist fascists and neo-Nazis such as Cliff Bergstrom, Bruce Cunningham Jr., and “Rosario Sicario”. Toese maintains that he will “take out” anyone spouting racist rhetoric, but as the next image will show, he has no intention of following through on that promise.

Tiny Toese is interviewed by anti-semitic white nationalist and Charlottesville attendee James Allsup.

(Left) Tiny Toese wears a confederate flag mask (Right) Tiny Toese wears a frog mask to celebrate the alt-right’s appropriation of the “pepe” character. Also pictured is Eugene, OR neo-Nazi and Patriot Prayer follower Steve Shallenberger.

Tiny Toese and Roger Stone pose with someone displaying the fascist “National Anarchist Movement” Flag.

Recent revelations about the “Resist Marxism” organization’s aspirations to become a “true non optics Nazi organisation” included screenshots of neo-Nazi text chats in which Tiny Tusitala John Toese was a participant.

Tiny Toese, along with fellow racist anti-immigrant Proud Boys Donovon Flippo and Russell Schultz, pretends to be a border guard.

Extremely violent member of the Proud Boys hate group Tiny Toese poses for a photo while holding a large knife. The photo was apparently taken by fellow Proud Boy Travis Taylor.
Current Details:
Name: Tusitala John Toese
aka: Tiny
Description: Height: 6’6”, weight: 350, Eyes: Brown
Address: Tiny previously claimed to be living at Russell Schultz’s house, this house was recently sold.
Criminal History: currently wanted on warrants in Vancouver, WA
Aaron Bayley Laigaie

Aaron Laigaie has been orbiting around Joey Gibson’s far-right events since at least early April of 2017, when Joey held a rally at Esther Short Park in Vancouver, WA. This rally included fascists who would go on to join hate groups such as the Proud Boys the local chapter of the Daily Stormer Book Club, the overtly neo-Nazi “PDX Stormers”, as well as Cascade Legion. Laigaie displayed a tendency for aggressive right-wing violence from an early stage, and has been continually documented antagonizing and assaulting activists. He has been heard identifying himself as the founder and president of the Mount Baker Proud Boys.

Before he was a Proud Boy, Aaron Laigaie already embraced white nationalist politics. Here we see him romanticizing the Rhodesian Bush War– a conflict fought in the 1960s and 1970s to enforce white-minority rule over territory that is now Zimbabwe.

Laigaie posts on Facebook about his involvement in the Proud Boys hate group.

Aaron Laigaie assaults an activist alongside white nationalist hate preacher Allen Pucket at Joey Gibson’s June 30, 2017 waterfront rally.

Aaron Laigaie attends a Patriot Prayer hate rally on August 6, 2017. Also pictured are Patriot Prayer followers James Birkenstock, Kristopher Foster, and Audra Foster; Proud Boys Gabriel Bowman and Donovon Flippo; and local neo-Nazi Raul Gonzalez.

Aaron Laigaie inducts Isaac Chisholm into the Proud Boys hate group along with Anthony Bell, Nick Boling, and Ethan Nordean. This image was captured the day after a fascist murdered Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, and Aaron Laigaie is wearing a “PROUD BOYS HELICOPTER RIDES” T-shirt celebrating the murders of political rivals by Chilean fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Current Details:
Name: Aaron Bayley Laigaie
DOB: August 26, 1984
Address: 1007 E Illinois St Bellingham, WA 98226
Vehicle: Blue Volvo wagon, WA AGZ7789; Dark Dodge Pickup WA C36929H
Facebook: Twitter:
Anthony Edward Bell

Anthony Bell began appearing at Joey Gibson’s far-right rallies around the same time as Aaron Laigaie, and appears to follow Laigaie’s lead with regard to most of his decisions around political practice. Throughout much of 2017, Bell wore the signature uniform of the Proud Boys hate group, but was unable to muster much participation in the group’s aggressive violence due to an arm injury. Bell continues to rally with neo-Nazis and white nationalists at Joey Gibson’s events.

Bell poses with infamous anti-semitic fascist propagandist Tim Gionet aka “Baked Alaska” along with fellow Proud Boys Gabriel Bowman, Aaron Laigaie, and Dominic Laufenberg.

Bell is photographed in front of a fellow Proud Boy holding up a “Free Helicopter Rides” sign celebrating Augusto Pinochet’s fascist murders of political dissidents.

Anthony Bell spreads the “white genocide” meme often used by neo-Nazis.

Bell uses a homophobic slur to show contempt for Facebook posts.

Anthony Bell spreads transphobic propaganda.

Anthony Bell jumps aboard Donald Trump’s racist dehumanization campaign.

Anthony Bell spreads neo-Nazi propaganda.

Anthony Bell is pictured at a February 10,2018 Patriot Prayer rally in Seattle WA. Also pictured are fellow Proud Boys Nick Boling, Dominic Laufenberg, Aaron Williamson, and Russell Schultz; as well as anti-semitic Charlottesville participant James Allsup.
Current Details:
Name: Anthony Edward Bell
aka: Anthony Alt Bell
DOB: April 17, 1994
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Some of Anthony Bell’s identifying tattoos.
Proud Boys Are Not Welcome
The communities of the Northwest will not tolerate violent white supremacists like the Proud Boys on our streets. Over the next few weeks Rose City Antifa will be releasing information on many of the Proud Boys in Oregon and Washington, so that locals can stay safe from these violent bigots. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Rose City Antifa will continue to defend our city and our communities against any incursion by racists and fascists. If you have information about Proud Boy or other white supremacist organizing, please email us at [email protected].
reposted from Rose City Antifa
Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, has obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of articles detailing the Proud Boys’ specific brand of organized hate, and the individuals who make up this rising “weekend warrior” gang, in order to alert the community about the threat that this group poses. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Articles in the Series:
Introduction: The Pacific Northwest Proud Boys – White Nationalist Social Club
Volume 1: Robert Zerfing, Travis Nugent, Caleb Stevens, Ethan Nordean
Volume 2: Dominick Owen, “Tiny” Tusitala John Toese, Aaron Laigaie, Anthony Edward Bell
Dominick Alexander Owen
During the months leading up to Joey Gibson’s abortive September 10, 2017 rally, Proud Boy Dominick Owen sought to star in the “eager right hand man” role currently occupied by Derrick Lancaster. That rally was a giant failure due to an enormous level of anti-fascist community support which prevented Joey Gibson from even showing his face in Portland. After the hastily-assembled Vancouver, WA replacement rally, Owen rode around in Donovon Flippo’s white Chevy Avalanche along with fellow Proud Boy David Silliman and violent youtuber Kerry Hudson. These men indiscriminately sprayed mace out of the passenger windows while driving at high speed until Flippo accidentally hit a police car, and as a result the men were briefly detained.
Despite such an auspicious beginning, Owen’s relationship with his fellow Proud Boys deteriorated into petty squabbling in the months that followed. He eventually fell out with most members of the organization. His exposure to the neo-Nazi proselytization and white nationalist “identitarian” pseudo-science platformed by Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer rallies seems to have allowed him to transition from white nationalist Proud Boy into full blown Hitler-admiring fascist.
Dominick Owen posts a photograph of himself helping Joey Gibson in his home office prior to Joey Gibson’s September 10, 2017 rally.
Thanks to Patriot Prayer rallies, Dominick Owen made friends with Bene Harrison, a northern Washington neo-Nazi affiliated with the Cascade Legion fascist organization.
Proud Boys Dominick Owen, Donovon Flippo, and David Silliman ride around with violent youtuber Kerry Hudson, pepper-spraying bystanders before they run into a cop car. The police let them go.
_Dominick Owen appeared in a Facebook live interview with Joey Gibson and Jonathan Zimmerman. In the interview they made jokes and excuses about Patriot Prayer follower Billy Wilson attempting to run down activists with his confederate flag decorated pickup truck._
Dominick Owen poses with fellow members of the Proud Boys Cameron Heugly, Joseph Bomers, Aaron Laigaie, Anthony Bell, Gabriel Bowman, Matteo Dagradi, and Jake Farmer.
Dominick Owen attends a Patriot Prayer anti-immigrant hate rally. He is pictured here with fellow Proud Boys Aaron Williamson and Cameron Heugly, Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer followers Krystal Ann, Pam Brumfield-Uriarte, Kristopher Foster, and David Machado, U.S. House Oregon District 5 Republican Primary 2018 winner Mark Callahan, and a member of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi group we are currently calling “Prep Stormer”.
Dominick Owen at Joey Gibson’s December 9, 2017 anti-immigrant hate rally, also pictured are Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson; fellow Proud Boys Nick Boling, Donovon Flippo, Aaron Williamson, Cameron Heugly, and Caleb Stevens; violent far-right youtubers Justin Sheets, Keith Campbell, and Kerry Hudson; hate preacher Quincy Anatello and his violent white nationalist colleague Allen Pucket; regional fascists Thorsson Snyder and Liam Wynn, and Patriot Prayer followers Jay Harris, David Machado, and James Johnson.
Dominick Owen offers a warm greeting to Vancouver WA Nazi and PDX Stormers member Alex Becker at Joey Gibson’s anti-immigrant hate rally.
Owen spreads racist pseudo-science with Merced CA Patriot Prayer supporter Jourdin Davis. Davis was also present with Pacific Northwest Proud Boy Rob Cantrall when Cantrall threatened to burn down a bookstore in Berkeley, CA.
(Top) Owen expresses a desire for “civil war” in response to the #MeToo movement, (Bottom) Owen fantasizes about participating in fascist murder via participation in “right-wing death squads.”
Dominick Alexander Owen is a white nationalist who wishes to expel non-white people from his country.
Dominick Owen expresses his admiration for the fascist murders carried out by Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, a common theme for Proud Boys such as Robert Zerfing.
_(Left) Dominick Owen posts a “fashwave” meme with the well-known Nazi slogan “Blood and Soil”. (Right) Owen posts another white nationalist “fashwave” meme which bears a striking resemblance to the Proud Boys’ dog-whistle refusal to “apologize for creating the western world.”_
_A small sampling of Dominick Owen’s anti-semitic conspiracy theory facebook posts which use the “echo” parentheses meme._
_A snapshot of Dominick Owen’s facebook profile includes fascist symbolism such as the sonnenrad, references the “14 words” neo-Nazi slogan, and cites Henry Ford’s anti-semitic pamphlet “The International Jew”._
_Dominick Owen references the neo-Nazi 14 words slogan on facebook and receives favorable responses from northern Washington neo-Nazi Bene Harrison (aka Mike Brown) and also from Portland, OR area Patriot Prayer follower Dakota James Miller._
Dominick Owen spreads racist pseudo-science, anti-semitic conspiracy theories, and neo-Nazi propaganda while assuring us that he is also armed.
Dominick Owen recommends a revisionist pro-Hitler documentary and continues to push the Donald Trump “MAGA” slogan embraced by organizations like Patriot Prayer.
A more-recent snapshot of Dominick Owen’s Facebook activity shows that he has become an open neo-Nazi.
Dominick Owen makes a post anticipating that he will be banned from Facebook for constantly sharing Nazi propaganda. The responses indicate that, despite his overt fascist politics, he maintains warm relationships among Proud Boys such as Todd Douglas Cadwell (aka Todvar Al-Shabazz Cadwilski), and Patriot Prayer followers like Mark Buckley, Carl D Todd, and III% enthusiast Angela Roman.
Current Details:
Name: Dominick Alexander Owen
aka: Dominick Altowen
DOB: 8/15/92
Address: 14805 SE 179th St # D, Renton WA 98058
Vehicle: Red Pickup Truck
Instagram: (formerly: )
Truck belonging to Dominick Owen.
“Tiny” Tusitala John Toese
Tusitala Toese aka “Tiny” is perhaps one of the most recognizable characters in the local Proud Boys chapter, as well as Patriot Prayer. He effectively serves as a mascot and figurehead for both groups. He is also frequently trotted out at rallies and online as proof of “diversity” within the Proud Boys organization.
Toese is often heard giving what he refers to as his “testimony,” claiming to have once been filled with anger towards the right-wing. During an impassioned speech at a rally in Seattle on August 13th, 2017 he stated “I was a hard-core Trump anti-Trump (sic), I used to drive around looking for Trump stickers and Trump hats and just beat the shit out of people.” Toese claims he had his “come to Jesus” moment after watching a Youtube video of Gibson giving a speech at a Trump rally in Vancouver, WA.
But Toese’s own Facebook proves that this claim is a lie. In a photo dated July 29th, 2015, Toese poses for a selfie holding a rifle and wearing a USA Freedom motif T-shirt. Trump only announced that he was running for president on June 16th, 2015. In that period of just over a month, MAGA hats and Trump stickers did not yet exist.
Contrary to Toese’s claims, he has been cultivating an image as a violent far-right figure since 2015.
Toese was among the earliest of Joey Gibson’s supporters who traveled to Berkeley to fight alongside the openly neo-Nazi “Rise Above Movement” on April 15, 2017. He quickly became part of Gibson’s team of enforcers, traveling with him to New York City for an islamophobic rally that May.
Toese is pictured here in Berkeley CA with other Joey Gibson followers who traveled to Berkeley for the April 15, 2017 rally, where they assisted neo-Nazis in assaulting activists.
_(LEFT) Toese is pictured with the group of Joey Gibson followers who traveled to NYC for an Islamophobic rally organized by Nazi-affiliated pedophilia-apologist Milo Yiannopoulos and notorious Islamophobe Pam Geller. Among Toese’s traveling companions pictured here are (third from left, standing) ex-Doomsday Preppers actor and convicted child sex offender Tyler Smith and (laying on ground) alt-right celebrity try-hard Haley Adams, who has advocated for the racist murder of immigrants. (RIGHT) After they returned from their travels, a squabble broke out among them, and Toese made a live video acknowledging that they had known about Smith’s sex-offender status before the trip._
There is also plenty of documentation of him and other Proud Boy goons assaulting unsuspecting people in the Portland area. Toese thrives on the adoration of his fellow Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, the far-right, and basically anyone else that will give him the attention he needs. The thing he is most often praised for is his violence towards counter-protesters and other random people. This has created a dangerous positive feedback loop in which the more violent he becomes the more praise he gets– and the more praise he gets the more people suffer from his unprovoked attacks. Toese is just 22 years old, his Patriot Prayer/Proud Boy cohort are frequently more than 15 years his senior, adding another unsettling dimension to the exploitive dynamic between Toese and his “friends”.
The airing of dirty laundry and interpersonal drama among the right wing dead-enders who produced Patriot Prayer reveals that Toese holds the dubious honor of having been one of the original members of the “American Freedom Keepers” group.
Toese, misidentified by this twitter user as an Oathkeeper, assaults a protester who was being arrested at Joey Gibson’s June 4, 2017 hate rally in downtown Portland OR. This was not the only incident of arrests being “assisted” by far-right Patriot Prayer adherents at that event.
Tiny Toese is photographed with fellow Proud Boys Sean Mitchell and Joseph Taylor as well as with local fascists Liam Wynn and Matt Duffy at Joey Gibson’s June 30, 2017 waterfront hate rally.
Toese is seen with Joey Gibson and then-Identity-Europa-coordinator Jake Von Ott at Joey Gibson’s hate rally on the Portland waterfront on August 6, 2017. Proud Boy Caleb Stevens is also visible next to Toese and Ott.
Tiny Toese hugs violent Patriot Prayer follower Mark Riche immediately after Mark Riche has mistaken Toese for an anti-fascist activist and swung an axe handle into his face. Also visible are Proud Boys Aaron Laigaie and Mark Rupprecht, as well as local fascists Liam Wynn and Jake Von Ott.
In this still from a Justin Sheets youtube video entitled “Antifa always accusing ppl of being nazis . Always ! I don’t think they know the meaning of nazi”, Tiny Toese takes a selfie with four members of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization at an October 15, 2017 Patriot Prayer rally in Salem, OR.
Toese is photographed extending a warm welcome to PDX Stormers neo-Nazi Jarl Rockhill after numerous activists had offered explicit information about his politics and intentions. Time and time again, Toese has been documented permitting and assisting the efforts of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other fascists as they recruit and organize at Joey Gibson’s far-right rallies.
On the anniversary of the murder of Mulugeta Seraw by the neo-Nazi “East Side White Pride” gang, Toese attends a neo-Nazi propaganda rally while flying a tacky and racist confederate flag hybrid. Also pictured are rally organizer Morgan Brandfors, and fellow Proud Boy Donovon Flippo.
Toese, in the brown jacket and grey ball cap, punches two activists as Proud Boys’ attack a Planned Parenthood support demonstration on February 9th, 2018.
Toese is the only member of either Patriot Prayer or the Proud Boys to ever have been arrested in the Patriot Prayer/Proud Boy melees in Portland. However, his violent temper has gotten him into legal trouble in other places as well. Unrelated to any far-right events, on March 6, 2018 he was arrested for attempting to assault someone suspected of burglarizing a family member’s apartment. It took four police officers to subdue him, and when they finally had him in handcuffs, they discovered he was carrying brass knuckles. Toese was charged with interferring with police, resisting arrest, and possession of a dangerous weapon.
Statement by a Vancouver Police Department officer relating to Toese’s March 6, 2018 arrest.
Despite all the lionization of the police conducted by Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, Toese seems to be allergic to showing up for his court dates. After missing a May 3rd, 2018 court date, a charge of bail jumping was added to Toese’s case. Currently, there is a warrant out for him in Vancouver (nonextraditable outside of that city).
But that hasn’t stopped Toese from assaulting people. In late May, Toese, Donovon Flippo, and Russell Schultz picked a fight with some teenagers at the Vancouver Mall. They yelled racist pro-Trump harassment at them, then Toese and Donovon jumped out of their truck to attack them. Flippo later posted the victims’ video of the attack to his facebook wall to gloat and tagged Toese in the post. Their comments spelled out the nature of the assault, and gave Proud Boy Russell Schultz an opportunity to make a racist “dindu nuffin” joke.
Proud Boys gloat about fighting teenagers at the mall.
On June 8, 2018, Toese allegedly assaulted a bystander while driving through Portland with fellow Proud Boys Russell Schultz and Donovon Flippo. At the time all three were apparently harassing pedestrians by yelling pro-Trump rhetoric at them. This trend, of them driving around trying to “trigger the libs” and then assaulting anyone who responds, is a disturbing increase in violence for both the Proud Boys and Tiny, individually.
Toese’s presence as a person of Pacific Islander heritage among the Proud Boys is often used as an example that they cannot possibly be racist (despite all the other overwhelming evidence that they are racist). But interestingly, Toese is actually one of the most strident defenders of fascists in the Northwest Proud Boys group. In addition to his violent defense of fascists at Gibson’s rallies, Toese often takes to the internet to defend fascist groups like Identity Europa, and has been pictured with a number of fascist groups.
Toese claims that his eyes have been opened by the events which transpired at the white supremacist melee in which a fascist murdered Heather Heyer. His continued involvement with Patriot Prayer’s far-right, fascist-friendly events indicates that it did not change him much.
Tiny Toese adopts a permissive tone with northern-Washington white nationalist fascists and neo-Nazis such as Cliff Bergstrom, Bruce Cunningham Jr., and “Rosario Sicario”. Toese maintains that he will “take out” anyone spouting racist rhetoric, but as the next image will show, he has no intention of following through on that promise.
Tiny Toese is interviewed by anti-semitic white nationalist and Charlottesville attendee James Allsup.
(Left) Tiny Toese wears a confederate flag mask (Right) Tiny Toese wears a frog mask to celebrate the alt-right’s appropriation of the “pepe” character. Also pictured is Eugene, OR neo-Nazi and Patriot Prayer follower Steve Shallenberger.
Tiny Toese and Roger Stone pose with someone displaying the fascist “National Anarchist Movement” Flag.
Recent revelations about the “Resist Marxism” organization’s aspirations to become a “true non optics Nazi organisation” included screenshots of neo-Nazi text chats in which Tiny Tusitala John Toese was a participant.
Tiny Toese, along with fellow racist anti-immigrant Proud Boys Donovon Flippo and Russell Schultz, pretends to be a border guard.
Extremely violent member of the Proud Boys hate group Tiny Toese poses for a photo while holding a large knife. The photo was apparently taken by fellow Proud Boy Travis Taylor.
Current Details:
Name: Tusitala John Toese
aka: Tiny
Description: Height: 6’6”, weight: 350, Eyes: Brown
Address: Tiny previously claimed to be living at Russell Schultz’s house, this house was recently sold.
Criminal History: currently wanted on warrants in Vancouver, WA
Aaron Bayley Laigaie
Aaron Laigaie has been orbiting around Joey Gibson’s far-right events since at least early April of 2017, when Joey held a rally at Esther Short Park in Vancouver, WA. This rally included fascists who would go on to join hate groups such as the Proud Boys the local chapter of the Daily Stormer Book Club, the overtly neo-Nazi “PDX Stormers”, as well as Cascade Legion. Laigaie displayed a tendency for aggressive right-wing violence from an early stage, and has been continually documented antagonizing and assaulting activists. He has been heard identifying himself as the founder and president of the Mount Baker Proud Boys.
Before he was a Proud Boy, Aaron Laigaie already embraced white nationalist politics. Here we see him romanticizing the Rhodesian Bush War– a conflict fought in the 1960s and 1970s to enforce white-minority rule over territory that is now Zimbabwe.
Laigaie posts on Facebook about his involvement in the Proud Boys hate group.
Aaron Laigaie assaults an activist alongside white nationalist hate preacher Allen Pucket at Joey Gibson’s June 30, 2017 waterfront rally.
Aaron Laigaie attends a Patriot Prayer hate rally on August 6, 2017. Also pictured are Patriot Prayer followers James Birkenstock, Kristopher Foster, and Audra Foster; Proud Boys Gabriel Bowman and Donovon Flippo; and local neo-Nazi Raul Gonzalez.
Aaron Laigaie inducts Isaac Chisholm into the Proud Boys hate group along with Anthony Bell, Nick Boling, and Ethan Nordean. This image was captured the day after a fascist murdered Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, and Aaron Laigaie is wearing a “PROUD BOYS HELICOPTER RIDES” T-shirt celebrating the murders of political rivals by Chilean fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Current Details:
Name: Aaron Bayley Laigaie
DOB: August 26, 1984
Address: 1007 E Illinois St Bellingham, WA 98226
Vehicle: Blue Volvo wagon, WA AGZ7789; Dark Dodge Pickup WA C36929H
Facebook: Twitter:
Anthony Edward Bell
Anthony Bell began appearing at Joey Gibson’s far-right rallies around the same time as Aaron Laigaie, and appears to follow Laigaie’s lead with regard to most of his decisions around political practice. Throughout much of 2017, Bell wore the signature uniform of the Proud Boys hate group, but was unable to muster much participation in the group’s aggressive violence due to an arm injury. Bell continues to rally with neo-Nazis and white nationalists at Joey Gibson’s events.
Bell poses with infamous anti-semitic fascist propagandist Tim Gionet aka “Baked Alaska” along with fellow Proud Boys Gabriel Bowman, Aaron Laigaie, and Dominic Laufenberg.
Bell is photographed in front of a fellow Proud Boy holding up a “Free Helicopter Rides” sign celebrating Augusto Pinochet’s fascist murders of political dissidents.
Anthony Bell spreads the “white genocide” meme often used by neo-Nazis.
Bell uses a homophobic slur to show contempt for Facebook posts.
Anthony Bell spreads transphobic propaganda.
Anthony Bell jumps aboard Donald Trump’s racist dehumanization campaign.
Anthony Bell spreads neo-Nazi propaganda.
Anthony Bell is pictured at a February 10,2018 Patriot Prayer rally in Seattle WA. Also pictured are fellow Proud Boys Nick Boling, Dominic Laufenberg, Aaron Williamson, and Russell Schultz; as well as anti-semitic Charlottesville participant James Allsup.
Current Details:
Name: Anthony Edward Bell
aka: Anthony Alt Bell
DOB: April 17, 1994
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Some of Anthony Bell’s identifying tattoos.
Proud Boys Are Not Welcome
The communities of the Northwest will not tolerate violent white supremacists like the Proud Boys on our streets. Over the next few weeks Rose City Antifa will be releasing information on many of the Proud Boys in Oregon and Washington, so that locals can stay safe from these violent bigots. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Rose City Antifa will continue to defend our city and our communities against any incursion by racists and fascists. If you have information about Proud Boy or other white supremacist organizing, please email us at [email protected].