reposted from Rose City Antifa
Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, has obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of articles detailing the Proud Boys’ specific brand of organized hate, and the individuals who make up this rising “weekend warrior” gang, in order to alert the community about the threat that this group poses. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Articles in the Series:
Introduction: The Pacific Northwest Proud Boys – White Nationalist Social Club
Volume 1: Robert Zerfing, Travis Nugent, Caleb Stevens, Ethan Nordean
Volume 2: Dominick Owen, “Tiny” Tusitala John Toese, Aaron Laigaie, Anthony Edward Bell
Volume 3: Russell Schultz, Kory Bentley, Derrick Lancaster, Daniel Garris
Volume 4: Rob Cantrall, Dakota Gilmore, Pete Venturo, Graham Jorgensen, David Silliman
Rob Cantrall

Rob Cantrall was one of the Pacific Northwest’s earliest Proud Boy converts, as the hate group’s brand seemed a precise fit for his already well-established penchant for violent harassment. Some of Joey Gibson’s earliest Portland-area far-right events were called “Antifa-Watch,” and typically involved Gibson calling upon his followers to descend upon leftist or even progressive demonstrations and interrupt them with harassment. Some of his followers, including Cantrall, added to Gibson’s directives by threatening demonstrators with violence. Footage from a May 13, 2017 anti-police-brutality event in downtown Portland shows Cantrall– attending Joey Gibson’s counter-protest– repeatedly attempting to fight or attack demonstrators. Even Gibson’s own violent followers such as David Fry (who would soon defect from Patriot Prayer in response to their violence) appeared uncomfortable.

Rob Cantrall heeds Joey Gibson’s call to harass, disrupt, and assault an anti-police-brutality demonstration in downtown Portland, OR. Also pictured are other members of the Proud Boys hate group such as Dakota Gilmore, Matteo Dagradi, and Tiny Toese.

After making an unprovoked assault against an activist, Rob Cantrall is confronted by Patriot Prayer follower David Fry. Fry soon abandoned Joey Gibson’s organization during a dispute over money.
Cantrall prides himself on the “Based Hobo” moniker he developed. This seems to be derived from his one-man-organization called “The Poverty Party,” which no longer has a website, and which seems never to have existed offline or offered any real services. At multiple events, Cantrall has been heard concern-trolling about the plight of poor and houseless people, while simultaneously advocating for the very systems of capitalist control which have produced such an epidemic of suffering.
In May of 2018, Proud Boy Rob Cantrall made national headlines when he and then-girlfriend Lauren Barrett (aka Lauren White) were documented on video making threats to burn down a leftist book store in Berkeley, CA. Also present with Cantrall when he made these threats were Bay Area far-right activists Jourdin and Alexandria Davis.

Proud Boy Rob Cantrall threatens to burn down a bookstore.

After threatening to burn down a bookstore, Proud Boy Rob Cantrall boasts about having taken part in previous fascist rallies wherein Nazis assaulted activists. On April 15th, 2017 Joey Gibson also was in Berkeley and fought alongside neo-Nazis from the Rise Above Movement.

Rob Cantrall promises that Trump will purge his political opponents. Also pictured at the incident where Cantrall threatened to burn down a bookstore are Lauren Barrett, Jourdin Davis, and Alexandria Davis.

Rob Cantrall displays the casual anti-semitism and Islamophobia that is typical among members of the Proud Boys hate group.

Proud Boy Rob Cantrall attempts to intimidate activists by bizarrely licking the blade of a knife.

Rob Cantrall is photographed in attendance at Joey Gibson’s violent and fascist-filled far-right rally on August 6, 2017.

Racist Proud Boy Rob Cantrall denigrates the Black Lives Matter movement, declaring “Black Lives Don’t Matter”.

Rob Cantrall rides in the back of a truck with fellow Proud Boys Matteo Dagradi and Dakota Gilmore. Dagradi’s tattoo is clearly visible as a valknut. As we have noted before, this symbol does not always connote racism or fascism, but when it appears in the context of far-right political movements, it must be evaluated as such.

Rob Cantrall attends Joey Gibson’s October 15, 2017 rally in Salem, OR, which was also attended by members of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization, and by teenage hammerskin-wannabe Noah Gunn. He can be seen in the bottom picture attempting to start a fight with an anti-fascist activist over Tiny Toese’s shoulder.

Rob Cantrall fawns over Nazi propagandist and pedophilia-apologist Milo Yiannopoulos after an April, 2018 Proud Boys booze cruise in New York which Milo also attended.

During a recent public social media breakup with former partner– and accomplice in threatening to burn down a bookstore– Lauren Barrett (aka Lauren White), Cantrall broadcast his phone numbers across several Facebook accounts.

An alleged incident as reported on social media wherein Rob Cantrall showed up drunk and belligerent to harass workers at a Portland bar.

Rob Cantrall exhibits the Proud Boys’ aggressive paranoia regarding their absurd caricatures of “communism” and “Marxism.” Fellow Proud Boy Russell Schultz responds with the symbol of the “anticom” neo-Nazi organization.

Rob Cantrall wishes fellow Proud Boy Donovon Flippo a happy birthday, and encourages Flippo’s public violence after Joey Gibson’s June 3, 2018 rally.

Rob Cantrall offers support to the business of neo-Nazi Jake Laskey, who used Wolfclan Armory as a studio to make far-right videos harassing activists in explicitly misogynist and homophobic terms. Laskey maintained a role in the American Front neo-Nazi organization, until he was again arrested for stabbing an acquaintance at a party.
Current Details
Name: Robert Edward Cantrall
DOB: September 25, 1972
Phone: 541-972-0132
Facebook: (formerly: marleysgarden420)
Dakota Gilmore

Gilmore has attended at least three of Joey Gibson’s hate rallies. Most notably, on April 29, 2017 Gilmore marched through the Montavilla neighborhood of Portland along with racist murderer Jeremy Christian.
Apart from occasionally attending hate rallies Gilmore evidently does very little to advance the cause of “western chauvinism” beyond posting bland Trump memes to Facebook and Twitter.
Around May 5th 2017, Gilmore avowed white nationalist talking points in a Facebook live video, stating his position as a “proud western chauvinist” who will “never apologize for creating the modern world.” The date of the video is significant in that it coincides with another of white nationalist Milo Yiannopoulos’ failed spectacles; the kick off of his return to touring, uncleverly dubbed “Cinco de Milo,” after the revelation of Yiannopolous’ enthusiasm for pedophilia, and his subsequent disgrace. In the brief video Gilmore wishes his viewers a “happy Cinco de Milo” between fascistic pronouncements.

Dakota Gilmore recites the white nationalist Proud Boy oath.

Dakota Gilmore was present at Joey Gibson’s April 29, 2017 rally in the immigrant neighborhood of Montavilla in Portland. Also present at this rally were members of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization as well as MAX train murderer Jeremy Christian who, after spouting Islamophobic rhetoric at the rally and in Patriot Prayer’s facebook comment threads, menaced two young women aboard the train and then stabbed three men who attempted to intervene. Also pictured here are Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer followers including Kathryn Townsend and Pam Brumfield-Uriarte, hate preacher Quincy Anatello, former Identity Europa coordinator and neo-Nazi Jake Von Ott, and fellow member of the Proud Boys hate group Tiny Toese.

Dakota Gilmore at Joey Gibson’s April 29,2017 rally with other Patriot Prayer followers and Nazi Shelly Frank.

Dakota Gilmore is pictured with fellow Proud Boys including Rob Cantrall and Matteo Dagradi.

Dakota Gilmore attended Joey Gibson’s June 4, 2017 hate rally mere days after Patriot Prayer follower Jeremy Christian allegedly murdered two people on the MAX train. Also pictured are fellow members of the Proud Boys hate group such as Gabriel Bowman, Anthony Bell, Dominic Laufenberg, Matteo Dagradi, and Aaron Laigaie.

Gilmore poses for a group photo at Joey Gibson’s June 4, 2017 hate rally with fellow Proud Boys Aaron Laigaie, Dominic Laufenberg, Anthony Bell, Joseph Hedges (aka JB), Gabriel Bowman, Tim Brown, Justin Eugene Bentley, Matteo Dagradi, and Joseph Taylor; also pictured are alt-right provocateur Irma Hinojosa, fascist organizer Juan Cadavid (aka Johnny Benitez), and local neo-Nazi Raul Gonzalez.

Gilmore is seen with fellow Proud Boy Cameron Heugly (far left) at Joey Gibson’s September 10, 2017 rally, which was supposed to be in Portland, but was relocated to Vancouver at the last second due to massive community opposition in Portland. The Vancouver rally also faced heavy opposition from local anti-fascist activists.

Left to Right: James Carlson, Matteo Dagradi, and Dakota Gilmore are all members of the Proud Boys hate group who attended Joey Gibson’s October 8, 2017 rally in downtown Portland.
Current Details
Name: Dakota Alton Gilmore
DOB: February 27, 1998
Pete Venturo

Medford, OR far-right YouTube rapper Peter Venturo joined up with Patriot Prayer sometime around Joey Gibson’s violent August 6th, 2017 rally on the waterfront, which drew many local fascists. Venturo wandered around the rally livestreaming himself threatening anti-fascists and instigating numerous brawls. Venturo’s self-aggrandizing hunger for the embarrassing forms of “fame” available to racists, homophobes, and other provocateurial bigots in the age of Trump, made him amenable to Joey Gibson’s “martyrdom” approach to far-right public spectacle. Venturo quickly fell under Gibson’s thrall.
Venturo enjoys dressing up and adopting various personas for his fellow Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer followers, sometimes posing as “King USA” (pronounced ooh-suh), his clumsy patriotic rap persona “Political Muscle” (definitely not the first far-right rapper we’ve covered), and occasionally even as a fake anti-fascist named “Pat Robert Panicci” (a ruse only adherents of the far-right seem to believe).

Proud Boy Pete Venturo lazily attempts to make a hoax antifa account in order to defame activists who have been organizing to oppose the Nazis that Venturo has rallied with and repeatedly assisted in the past year.

Pete Venturo in character as “King USA”

Proud Boy Pete Venturo meets his hero, racist and misogynist Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes.

Pete Venturo acts like a Trump supporter in his home town and obnoxiously harasses local workers.

Pete Venturo listens to a speech by failed political candidate Joey Nations along with Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson and his follower Jonathan Zimmerman, as well as local neo-Nazis Thorsson Snyder, Jake Von Ott, “Germany,” and Liam Wynn.

Pete Venturo assists neo-Nazis Jake Von Ott and “Germany” in assaulting an activist who is filming them with their phone. Also pictured are local fascist Cody Bussard, and fellow members of the Proud Boys hate group Robert Zerfing, Vincent Molino, and Aaron Laigaie.

Pete Venturo is pictured with fellow Proud Boys Russell Schultz and Tiny Toese at Joey Gibson’s Portland waterfront rally on August 6, 2017.

Pete Venturo engages in cynical self-victimization with Joey Gibson and Tiny Toese in Berkeley at a rally in late August of 2017. Gibson, Venturo, and Toese walked into the crowd who had assembled to oppose their well-documented facilitation of Nazi organizing holding “peace” signs in the air, and were promptly ejected. Not six months prior, Gibson and Toese had assisted the neo-Nazi “Rise Above Movement” organization in assaulting Berkeley activists.

Pete Venturo listens to Joey Gibson speaking at a rally in Salem on October 15th, 2017. Also pictured are Patriot Prayer followers Michelle Schultz, Lee Gayer Robbins, Kathryn Townsend, and neo-Nazi Alexander Becker.
Current Details
Name: Peter Phillip Venturo
aka: Political Muscle; Pete Peters; Pete Castello; King USA; Pat Robert Panicci
DOB: September 6, 1988
Graham Jorgensen

One of Graham Jorgensen’s earliest appearance at a Patriot Prayer rally was at Joey Gibson’s April 2, 2017 rally in Esther Short Park in Vancouver, WA. Jorgensen, already wearing Gavin Mcinnes’ appropriation of the Fred Perry, mingled with right-wing men who would become members of fascist hate groups such as the Cascade Legion, the Proud Boys, and the PDX Stormers. Jorgensen has continued to rally with white nationalists, Nazis, and other bigots at rallies hosted by Joey Gibson. He also has a history of domestic violence and cyber-stalking, targeting a former intimate partner.

Court documents reveal that Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen has a history of domestic violence and cyberstalking.

Court documents detail Jorgensen’s history of domestic violence.

Graham Jorgensen posts fan art in adulation of misogynist and transphobic far-right pop psychologist Jordan Peterson. The top post makes use of the “fash-wave” aesthetic.

Graham Jorgensen poses with fellow Proud Boys Matteo Dagradi, Anthony Bell, and Aaron Laigaie.

Graham Jorgensen appears at Patriot Prayer’s April 2, 2017 rally in Vancouver, WA. Also pictured are fellow Proud Boys Dominic Laufenberg and Anthony Bell.

Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen is seen at Patriot Prayer’s August 6, 2017 rally on the Portland waterfront with neo-Nazi Jake Von ott; white nationalist Stephen Cholette; white nationalist hate preacher Allen Pucket; hate preachers Quincy Anatello and Arcadio Pena; and a person we are calling “Might is Right” who is a member of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization.
Current Details
Name: Graham Hayden Jorgensen
aka: Graham Hyde
DOB: 06/04/1993
Description: 5’11” 175 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Phone: (360) 852-5831
David Silliman

David Silliman is not just a member of the white nationalist Proud Boys hate group, he is also a precinct officer with the Vancouver Washington Republican party. He attended Gibson’s first Vancouver event on April 2, 2017, and has been seen at a number of Proud Boy and Patriot Prayer events since then. Silliman represents another intimate link between the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, and local branches of the Republican Party, even though the more mainstream GOP has been hesitant to associate themselves with either group directly.

David Silliman shares the neo-Nazi propaganda “It’s Okay To Be White” meme on his facebook profile.

David Silliman pushes the misogynist rhetoric of the Proud Boys hate group.

David Silliman attends a Patriot Prayer rally on April 2, 2017 with fellow members of the Proud Boys hate group including Anthony Bell, Aaron Laigaie, and Graham Jorgensen.

David Silliman was in Donovon Flippo’s truck with Flippo, violent far-right YouTuber Kerry Hudson, and Proud-Boy-cum-neo-Nazi Dominick Owen after Joey Gibson’s September 10th rally in Vancouver WA.
Current Details
Name: David Michael Silliman
DOB: October 8, 1990
Address: 800 NW 76th St Vancouver, WA 98665
Vehicle: Silver Honda, WA A106630
Vehicle: Black pickup truck, WA C99089F (with Hillary for Prison bumper sticker)
Vehicle: Silver Dodge Durango WA BCC4458
Job: PCO LD 49 Precinct 410 at Clark County GOP
Proud Boys Are Not Welcome
The communities of the Northwest will not tolerate violent white supremacists like the Proud Boys on our streets. Over the next few weeks Rose City Antifa will be releasing information on many of the Proud Boys in Oregon and Washington, so that locals can stay safe from these violent bigots. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Rose City Antifa will continue to defend our city and our communities against any incursion by racists and fascists. If you have information about Proud Boy or other white supremacist organizing, please email us at [email protected].
reposted from Rose City Antifa
Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, has obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of articles detailing the Proud Boys’ specific brand of organized hate, and the individuals who make up this rising “weekend warrior” gang, in order to alert the community about the threat that this group poses. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Articles in the Series:
Introduction: The Pacific Northwest Proud Boys – White Nationalist Social Club
Volume 1: Robert Zerfing, Travis Nugent, Caleb Stevens, Ethan Nordean
Volume 2: Dominick Owen, “Tiny” Tusitala John Toese, Aaron Laigaie, Anthony Edward Bell
Volume 3: Russell Schultz, Kory Bentley, Derrick Lancaster, Daniel Garris
Volume 4: Rob Cantrall, Dakota Gilmore, Pete Venturo, Graham Jorgensen, David Silliman
Rob Cantrall
Rob Cantrall was one of the Pacific Northwest’s earliest Proud Boy converts, as the hate group’s brand seemed a precise fit for his already well-established penchant for violent harassment. Some of Joey Gibson’s earliest Portland-area far-right events were called “Antifa-Watch,” and typically involved Gibson calling upon his followers to descend upon leftist or even progressive demonstrations and interrupt them with harassment. Some of his followers, including Cantrall, added to Gibson’s directives by threatening demonstrators with violence. Footage from a May 13, 2017 anti-police-brutality event in downtown Portland shows Cantrall– attending Joey Gibson’s counter-protest– repeatedly attempting to fight or attack demonstrators. Even Gibson’s own violent followers such as David Fry (who would soon defect from Patriot Prayer in response to their violence) appeared uncomfortable.
Rob Cantrall heeds Joey Gibson’s call to harass, disrupt, and assault an anti-police-brutality demonstration in downtown Portland, OR. Also pictured are other members of the Proud Boys hate group such as Dakota Gilmore, Matteo Dagradi, and Tiny Toese.
After making an unprovoked assault against an activist, Rob Cantrall is confronted by Patriot Prayer follower David Fry. Fry soon abandoned Joey Gibson’s organization during a dispute over money.
Cantrall prides himself on the “Based Hobo” moniker he developed. This seems to be derived from his one-man-organization called “The Poverty Party,” which no longer has a website, and which seems never to have existed offline or offered any real services. At multiple events, Cantrall has been heard concern-trolling about the plight of poor and houseless people, while simultaneously advocating for the very systems of capitalist control which have produced such an epidemic of suffering.
In May of 2018, Proud Boy Rob Cantrall made national headlines when he and then-girlfriend Lauren Barrett (aka Lauren White) were documented on video making threats to burn down a leftist book store in Berkeley, CA. Also present with Cantrall when he made these threats were Bay Area far-right activists Jourdin and Alexandria Davis.
Proud Boy Rob Cantrall threatens to burn down a bookstore.
After threatening to burn down a bookstore, Proud Boy Rob Cantrall boasts about having taken part in previous fascist rallies wherein Nazis assaulted activists. On April 15th, 2017 Joey Gibson also was in Berkeley and fought alongside neo-Nazis from the Rise Above Movement.
Rob Cantrall promises that Trump will purge his political opponents. Also pictured at the incident where Cantrall threatened to burn down a bookstore are Lauren Barrett, Jourdin Davis, and Alexandria Davis.
Rob Cantrall displays the casual anti-semitism and Islamophobia that is typical among members of the Proud Boys hate group.
Proud Boy Rob Cantrall attempts to intimidate activists by bizarrely licking the blade of a knife.
Rob Cantrall is photographed in attendance at Joey Gibson’s violent and fascist-filled far-right rally on August 6, 2017.
Racist Proud Boy Rob Cantrall denigrates the Black Lives Matter movement, declaring “Black Lives Don’t Matter”.
Rob Cantrall rides in the back of a truck with fellow Proud Boys Matteo Dagradi and Dakota Gilmore. Dagradi’s tattoo is clearly visible as a valknut. As we have noted before, this symbol does not always connote racism or fascism, but when it appears in the context of far-right political movements, it must be evaluated as such.
Rob Cantrall attends Joey Gibson’s October 15, 2017 rally in Salem, OR, which was also attended by members of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization, and by teenage hammerskin-wannabe Noah Gunn. He can be seen in the bottom picture attempting to start a fight with an anti-fascist activist over Tiny Toese’s shoulder.
Rob Cantrall fawns over Nazi propagandist and pedophilia-apologist Milo Yiannopoulos after an April, 2018 Proud Boys booze cruise in New York which Milo also attended.
During a recent public social media breakup with former partner– and accomplice in threatening to burn down a bookstore– Lauren Barrett (aka Lauren White), Cantrall broadcast his phone numbers across several Facebook accounts.
An alleged incident as reported on social media wherein Rob Cantrall showed up drunk and belligerent to harass workers at a Portland bar.
Rob Cantrall exhibits the Proud Boys’ aggressive paranoia regarding their absurd caricatures of “communism” and “Marxism.” Fellow Proud Boy Russell Schultz responds with the symbol of the “anticom” neo-Nazi organization.
Rob Cantrall wishes fellow Proud Boy Donovon Flippo a happy birthday, and encourages Flippo’s public violence after Joey Gibson’s June 3, 2018 rally.
Rob Cantrall offers support to the business of neo-Nazi Jake Laskey, who used Wolfclan Armory as a studio to make far-right videos harassing activists in explicitly misogynist and homophobic terms. Laskey maintained a role in the American Front neo-Nazi organization, until he was again arrested for stabbing an acquaintance at a party.
Current Details
Name: Robert Edward Cantrall
DOB: September 25, 1972
Phone: 541-972-0132
Facebook: (formerly: marleysgarden420)
Dakota Gilmore
Gilmore has attended at least three of Joey Gibson’s hate rallies. Most notably, on April 29, 2017 Gilmore marched through the Montavilla neighborhood of Portland along with racist murderer Jeremy Christian.
Apart from occasionally attending hate rallies Gilmore evidently does very little to advance the cause of “western chauvinism” beyond posting bland Trump memes to Facebook and Twitter.
Around May 5th 2017, Gilmore avowed white nationalist talking points in a Facebook live video, stating his position as a “proud western chauvinist” who will “never apologize for creating the modern world.” The date of the video is significant in that it coincides with another of white nationalist Milo Yiannopoulos’ failed spectacles; the kick off of his return to touring, uncleverly dubbed “Cinco de Milo,” after the revelation of Yiannopolous’ enthusiasm for pedophilia, and his subsequent disgrace. In the brief video Gilmore wishes his viewers a “happy Cinco de Milo” between fascistic pronouncements.
Dakota Gilmore recites the white nationalist Proud Boy oath.
Dakota Gilmore was present at Joey Gibson’s April 29, 2017 rally in the immigrant neighborhood of Montavilla in Portland. Also present at this rally were members of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization as well as MAX train murderer Jeremy Christian who, after spouting Islamophobic rhetoric at the rally and in Patriot Prayer’s facebook comment threads, menaced two young women aboard the train and then stabbed three men who attempted to intervene. Also pictured here are Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer followers including Kathryn Townsend and Pam Brumfield-Uriarte, hate preacher Quincy Anatello, former Identity Europa coordinator and neo-Nazi Jake Von Ott, and fellow member of the Proud Boys hate group Tiny Toese.
Dakota Gilmore at Joey Gibson’s April 29,2017 rally with other Patriot Prayer followers and Nazi Shelly Frank.
Dakota Gilmore is pictured with fellow Proud Boys including Rob Cantrall and Matteo Dagradi.
Dakota Gilmore attended Joey Gibson’s June 4, 2017 hate rally mere days after Patriot Prayer follower Jeremy Christian allegedly murdered two people on the MAX train. Also pictured are fellow members of the Proud Boys hate group such as Gabriel Bowman, Anthony Bell, Dominic Laufenberg, Matteo Dagradi, and Aaron Laigaie.
Gilmore poses for a group photo at Joey Gibson’s June 4, 2017 hate rally with fellow Proud Boys Aaron Laigaie, Dominic Laufenberg, Anthony Bell, Joseph Hedges (aka JB), Gabriel Bowman, Tim Brown, Justin Eugene Bentley, Matteo Dagradi, and Joseph Taylor; also pictured are alt-right provocateur Irma Hinojosa, fascist organizer Juan Cadavid (aka Johnny Benitez), and local neo-Nazi Raul Gonzalez.
Gilmore is seen with fellow Proud Boy Cameron Heugly (far left) at Joey Gibson’s September 10, 2017 rally, which was supposed to be in Portland, but was relocated to Vancouver at the last second due to massive community opposition in Portland. The Vancouver rally also faced heavy opposition from local anti-fascist activists.
Left to Right: James Carlson, Matteo Dagradi, and Dakota Gilmore are all members of the Proud Boys hate group who attended Joey Gibson’s October 8, 2017 rally in downtown Portland.
Current Details
Name: Dakota Alton Gilmore
DOB: February 27, 1998
Pete Venturo
Medford, OR far-right YouTube rapper Peter Venturo joined up with Patriot Prayer sometime around Joey Gibson’s violent August 6th, 2017 rally on the waterfront, which drew many local fascists. Venturo wandered around the rally livestreaming himself threatening anti-fascists and instigating numerous brawls. Venturo’s self-aggrandizing hunger for the embarrassing forms of “fame” available to racists, homophobes, and other provocateurial bigots in the age of Trump, made him amenable to Joey Gibson’s “martyrdom” approach to far-right public spectacle. Venturo quickly fell under Gibson’s thrall.
Venturo enjoys dressing up and adopting various personas for his fellow Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer followers, sometimes posing as “King USA” (pronounced ooh-suh), his clumsy patriotic rap persona “Political Muscle” (definitely not the first far-right rapper we’ve covered), and occasionally even as a fake anti-fascist named “Pat Robert Panicci” (a ruse only adherents of the far-right seem to believe).
Proud Boy Pete Venturo lazily attempts to make a hoax antifa account in order to defame activists who have been organizing to oppose the Nazis that Venturo has rallied with and repeatedly assisted in the past year.
Pete Venturo in character as “King USA”
Proud Boy Pete Venturo meets his hero, racist and misogynist Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes.
Pete Venturo acts like a Trump supporter in his home town and obnoxiously harasses local workers.
Pete Venturo listens to a speech by failed political candidate Joey Nations along with Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson and his follower Jonathan Zimmerman, as well as local neo-Nazis Thorsson Snyder, Jake Von Ott, “Germany,” and Liam Wynn.
Pete Venturo assists neo-Nazis Jake Von Ott and “Germany” in assaulting an activist who is filming them with their phone. Also pictured are local fascist Cody Bussard, and fellow members of the Proud Boys hate group Robert Zerfing, Vincent Molino, and Aaron Laigaie.
Pete Venturo is pictured with fellow Proud Boys Russell Schultz and Tiny Toese at Joey Gibson’s Portland waterfront rally on August 6, 2017.
Pete Venturo engages in cynical self-victimization with Joey Gibson and Tiny Toese in Berkeley at a rally in late August of 2017. Gibson, Venturo, and Toese walked into the crowd who had assembled to oppose their well-documented facilitation of Nazi organizing holding “peace” signs in the air, and were promptly ejected. Not six months prior, Gibson and Toese had assisted the neo-Nazi “Rise Above Movement” organization in assaulting Berkeley activists.
Pete Venturo listens to Joey Gibson speaking at a rally in Salem on October 15th, 2017. Also pictured are Patriot Prayer followers Michelle Schultz, Lee Gayer Robbins, Kathryn Townsend, and neo-Nazi Alexander Becker.
Current Details
Name: Peter Phillip Venturo
aka: Political Muscle; Pete Peters; Pete Castello; King USA; Pat Robert Panicci
DOB: September 6, 1988
Graham Jorgensen
One of Graham Jorgensen’s earliest appearance at a Patriot Prayer rally was at Joey Gibson’s April 2, 2017 rally in Esther Short Park in Vancouver, WA. Jorgensen, already wearing Gavin Mcinnes’ appropriation of the Fred Perry, mingled with right-wing men who would become members of fascist hate groups such as the Cascade Legion, the Proud Boys, and the PDX Stormers. Jorgensen has continued to rally with white nationalists, Nazis, and other bigots at rallies hosted by Joey Gibson. He also has a history of domestic violence and cyber-stalking, targeting a former intimate partner.
Court documents reveal that Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen has a history of domestic violence and cyberstalking.
Court documents detail Jorgensen’s history of domestic violence.
Graham Jorgensen posts fan art in adulation of misogynist and transphobic far-right pop psychologist Jordan Peterson. The top post makes use of the “fash-wave” aesthetic.
Graham Jorgensen poses with fellow Proud Boys Matteo Dagradi, Anthony Bell, and Aaron Laigaie.
Graham Jorgensen appears at Patriot Prayer’s April 2, 2017 rally in Vancouver, WA. Also pictured are fellow Proud Boys Dominic Laufenberg and Anthony Bell.
Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen is seen at Patriot Prayer’s August 6, 2017 rally on the Portland waterfront with neo-Nazi Jake Von ott; white nationalist Stephen Cholette; white nationalist hate preacher Allen Pucket; hate preachers Quincy Anatello and Arcadio Pena; and a person we are calling “Might is Right” who is a member of the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization.
Current Details
Name: Graham Hayden Jorgensen
aka: Graham Hyde
DOB: 06/04/1993
Description: 5’11” 175 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Phone: (360) 852-5831
David Silliman
David Silliman is not just a member of the white nationalist Proud Boys hate group, he is also a precinct officer with the Vancouver Washington Republican party. He attended Gibson’s first Vancouver event on April 2, 2017, and has been seen at a number of Proud Boy and Patriot Prayer events since then. Silliman represents another intimate link between the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, and local branches of the Republican Party, even though the more mainstream GOP has been hesitant to associate themselves with either group directly.
David Silliman shares the neo-Nazi propaganda “It’s Okay To Be White” meme on his facebook profile.
David Silliman pushes the misogynist rhetoric of the Proud Boys hate group.
David Silliman attends a Patriot Prayer rally on April 2, 2017 with fellow members of the Proud Boys hate group including Anthony Bell, Aaron Laigaie, and Graham Jorgensen.
David Silliman was in Donovon Flippo’s truck with Flippo, violent far-right YouTuber Kerry Hudson, and Proud-Boy-cum-neo-Nazi Dominick Owen after Joey Gibson’s September 10th rally in Vancouver WA.
Current Details
Name: David Michael Silliman
DOB: October 8, 1990
Address: 800 NW 76th St Vancouver, WA 98665
Vehicle: Silver Honda, WA A106630
Vehicle: Black pickup truck, WA C99089F (with Hillary for Prison bumper sticker)
Vehicle: Silver Dodge Durango WA BCC4458
Job: PCO LD 49 Precinct 410 at Clark County GOP
Proud Boys Are Not Welcome
The communities of the Northwest will not tolerate violent white supremacists like the Proud Boys on our streets. Over the next few weeks Rose City Antifa will be releasing information on many of the Proud Boys in Oregon and Washington, so that locals can stay safe from these violent bigots. You can follow along on our website and on Twitter, using the hashtag #DoxxAllYourBoys.
Rose City Antifa will continue to defend our city and our communities against any incursion by racists and fascists. If you have information about Proud Boy or other white supremacist organizing, please email us at [email protected].