Tag: ICE
On Willem van Spronsen Passing from Occupy Northwest Detention Center Participants
From It’s Going Down Reflections on the life and passing of anarchist Willem an Spronsen from some anonymous participants in Occupy North West…
Seattle, WA: Rolling Picket Shuts Down ICE Profiteers
From It’s Going Down Report from Seattle, WA on recent anti-ICE divestment actions against banks invested in private detention facilities and prisons. On…
Seattle WA: #DivestfromICE Protesters Shut Down Bank of the West
From It’s Going Down The following action report details a recent bank shut down which was part of the call from #BlocktheWall to…
We Are The Fire That Will Melt ICE – Rest in power, Will Van Spronsen [Olympia WA]
Submitted Anonymously Early this morning around 4am our friend and comrade Will Van Spronsen was shot and killed by the Tacoma police. All…
Portland: On May 1st, #BlockTheWall, Again
reposted from It’s Going Down On June 17th, 2018, there was a rally against ICE’s practices of indefinite family separation and detention held…
Anarchists Flood the Office of ICE Collaborator in Portland
Submitted Anonymously Last week, we paid a visit to the offices of local attorney and ICE collaborator Sean J. Riddell. Sean Riddell currently…
Defiant Occupy ICE Arrestees Plead Not Guilty to all Charges: Will Take the State to Trial
From Portland GDC Update on #AbolishICE arrestees in Portland from the General Defense Committee. Today the first group of defendants arrested during the…
Northwest Detention Center Detainees Declare Solidarity with #PrisonStrike, Launch Hunger and Work Strikes
On Tuesday, August 21st, the national prison strike hit the ground running, went viral on Twitter, spread into Canadian prisons, set off a…