Support Emergent Goods
Submitted Anonymously Help Us Build Autonomous Production and Distribution Infrastructure Emergent Goods is a bunch of weirdos who share the beautiful idea that…
Two Paychecks Podcast#3: Hex Speaks on Anniversary of Alt-Right’s Attempt to Murder Him Pt. 2
submitted anonymously This is part two of our interview with Hex, an activist and member of the General Defense Committee who the Alt-Right…
Reclusive Editor-in-Chief of Counter-Currents Resides in Seattle
submitted anonymously Recently, local anti-fascists received a tip from a Seattle business that Greg Johnson, editor-in-chief of Counter-Currents Publishing, was living in Seattle,…
The Ex-Worker #62: Support, Healing, and Redefining Resistance—2017 in Review, Part II
From CrimethInc Anarchists on their roles on the front lines of struggles over the past year. Download MP3 – Download OGG Summary As…
The Power is Running: A Memoir of N30
Shutting Down the WTO Summit in Seattle, 1999 reposted from Crimethinc Check out original posting for more pictures and video! On November…
Kite Line Radio Interviews Mark Cook
from Kite Line Radio Earlier this year, Kite Line Radio sat down with Mark Cook and interviewed him about his experiences struggling in…
Seattle Nazi Gets Knocked Out
Social media informed Seattle-area residents that there was someone riding the D Line bus from Ballard into downtown Seattle who was wearing a…
From the Streets of Seattle: Solidarity with Cville, Tactical Reflections, and Liberals Still Fucking Suck
Submitted Anonymously This article discusses the demonstrations that took place in Seattle the day after the Charlottesville murder and details the actions of…
Solidarity Against Hate Reportback: Against the Fascists and the Police; In Solidarity with Charlottesville
Submitted Anonymously By 1pm on Sunday August 13th, the crowd at Denny Park in Seattle had already reached well over 200 and was…
Snakes in the Grass: Who Benefits from Joey Gibson’s Rallies?
Submitted by Greater Seattle GDC On Christmas Eve, 1985, David Lewis Rice murdered Annie, Charles, Colin, and Derek Goldmark at their home in…