A Report Back from the Seattle Anti-Capitalist May Day March
There are as many perspectives on May Day as there were participants, this is but a small collection of them. “This is no…
Banner Drop for Daniel Covarrubias, Murdered by Lakewood Police #maydaysea
A banner was dropped over I-5 in Seattle, facing South Lake Union, calling attention to the murder of native man Daniel Covarrubias by…
What is Pugetsoundanarchists.org?
Occasionally, a story on this website attracts attention from groups other than our intended readership. More than a few times, mainstream media have…
Portland, OR: Anti-Gentrification Sabotage in Solidarity with Baltimore Rebellion
On Tuesday night survey stakes were pulled up at a proposed townhouse development off N. Williams Ave in North Portland. This is an…
Juvie Contractor Truck Burned in Solidarity with Baltimore Rebellion
Early in the morning on April 28th flames engulfed a truck in a construction site across the street from the King County Juvenile…
All Out for May Day
MAY 1 2015 6PM BROADWAY AND PINE SEATTLE WEAR BLACK Join us in the streets this May 1st at 6pm for the annual…
Prisons are the New Plantations: Reportback from Disruption of the Sustainable Prisons Project
On May 22 and 23, The Evergreen State College in Olympia hosted a conference for the “Sustainable Prisons Project,” a disgusting attempt to…
The Portland Radicle is Looking for Contributors
The Portland Radicle* is looking for community members who would like to join other clever and talented ass-kickers in our project of collective…
Noise Demo Against the Sustainability in Prisons Project Summit
4/22/2015 Olympia, WA 1pm Working collaboratively, The Evergreen State College and Washington Department of Corrections have shamefully perpetuated the prisoner labor industry through…
Letters of Insurgents Reading Group, April 22nd
Letters of Insurgents reading group Fourth Wednesday of every month, 7:30 pm, The next one will be April 22, 2015 at Left Bank…