WE DON’T FORGET: Rally and Noise Demo in Remembrance and Solidarity
from Seattle GDC On January 20, 2017, a man rode into office on top of a not-so-subtly fascistic platform that took advantage of…
Puget Sound Anarchists: Who We Are
a reminder from PSA From time to time we get the attention from those other than our intended audience. We thought this would…
Free speech and liberal complicity with fascist organizing
submitted anonymously The following is a segment from a presentation given at the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair this past summer, entitled Freedom Itself: An…
Commune Against Civilization #4
submitted anonymously Dispatches from an uninvited guest on COAST SALISH TERRITORY, SQUAXIN AND NISQUALLY LAND– [what follows is not an official position of…
Rail sabotage near Medford Oregon in solidarity with the Olympia train blockade
Submitted Anonymously A few days ago, inspired by the Olympia train Blockade, we used copper wire to signal a blockage and disrupt rail…
Olympia Stand Blockade Raided on the Twelfth Day
Repost from It’s Going Down On the morning of Wednesday November 29th, 2017, at approximately 5:30 AM, a joint force of SWAT officers,…
Olympia Commune Raided by Police
Submitted Anonymously Starting at five this morning, the Olympia commune that has been blockading the railroad tracks leading into the port for the…
The Olympia Communard, Issue #1
Submitted Anonymously Eleven days on, the blockade of fracking proppants at the Olympia Port holds strong. The blockade has grown from a makeshift…
Solidaridad con el Bloqueo de Fracking en Olympia, Washington, EEUU: Para el Bloqueo Total de la Economía del Petróleo
submitted anonymously [Traductor: Este texto fue adaptado de la llamada original para más bloqueos y acciones solidarias el 24 de noviembre, fecha en…
Decolonize Turtle Island!
submitted anonymously OLYMPIA-UNIST’OT’EN-GASPESIE-SECWEPEMCUL’ECW DECOLONIZE TURTLE ISLAND For the last 10 days, an encampment has been blocking the train tracks that lead out of…