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Introducing Wreck
WRECK is a newly launched print-based anarchist publication from so-called Vancouver presenting analysis on regional and world events. Our first edition includes articles…
Juvie Contractor’s House Spray-Painted
Last week the words “No New Jail” were spray painted on the the front of Jake Mckinstry’s house at 2219 N 59th Street…
Activists Destroy Road Leading to Elliot Forest Timber Sale
Last night, under moonlight, our rowdy cadre of mountain beavers emerged from the hillside and destroyed the road leading into the Dean Scholfield…
Warning Given to Residents of Magnolia Neighborhood
On Thursday the 12th, letters were delivered to areas of the Magnolia neighborhood where various individuals involved in the new youth prison project…
Mondays in March: Call the Juvie Contractors and Tell Them to Fuck Off!
Last month the city of Seattle approved the selection of a design-build team that will make millions of dollars off of designing and…
New Information About Cages Being Built For Kids
Some interesting information for those who hate prisons, police, and the society that requires them: PDF: Text:
Announcing Beat The Raid: New Source for Info on Anti-Pipelines Repression
Beat The Raid will be a place to hear up to date info on the repression of anti-pipelines activists and anarchists in so…
Surprise Home Demo in Seattle
From No New Animal Lab On Friday night, a group of activists made a surprise visit to the home of James and Lindsey…
Olympia, WA: Downtown Businesses Hit with Anti-Police Graffiti
The Olympia Police Department is investigating a string of anti-police graffiti painted onto downtown businesses Thursday night. Lt. Paul Lower said that graffiti…
Oregon: Pheasants Freed From Game Bird Exhibit
On Sunday night a pen was cut open at the Oregon Fish and Wildlife game bird exhibit located in the EE Wilson Wildlife…