J20 in Olympia, WA: Youth Take the Streets!
From Its Going Down Many have planned, speculated and awaited what J20 would look like this upcoming election cycle. In Olympia, a predominantly…
On Chris Monfort’s Passing
From Puget Sound ABC On Wednesday, January 18, I received a call from the devastated mother of Chris Monfort. She told me he’d…
What Counts as Violence? Why the Right Can Shoot Us Now
A long-time anti-fascist was shot Friday night during a protest of alt-right racist and troll Milo Yiannopoulos, in the middle of a crowded…
J20 Seattle: Full Report Back from Milo Event Disruption
From Its Going Down This communique comes from comrades in Seattle, centering on the Milo event. We offer these reports and our initial…
Fundraiser for IWW and GDC Member Shot in Seattle
Donate Here On the evening of Friday, January 20th, a comrade of ours was shot in the stomach in the most public place…
Fascist shoots out windows in downtown Olympia
UPDATE: The Olympian is now reporting that the police are still looking for the suspect and that it may have been a low…
The New Reality: Reports from J20 in Seattle
from CrimethInc This communiqué from comrades in Seattle comes to us as the night is ending there. They offer it as a partial…
Milo Yiannopoulos Event Massively Disrupted at University of Washington, One Comrade Shot
from Its Going Down Seattle – Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak at the University of Washington at J20. The exact numbers in…
Anti Fascist Banner Drop at UW
Olympia Activist Outed as Alt-Right Type
(Content warning for Anti-Semitism in pictures & her twitter) A local Olympia activist, who’s name we believe is Karma Reynoldson, has turned out…