Olympia, USA: Solidarität mit der “Kommune von Olympia”
reposted from ContraInfo German Translation of Solidarity Call from OlyCommune Am 16. November 2017 sind in der Keystone XL Pipeline in Süd-Dakota 210,000…
Olympia Commune Makes Demands
reposted from Anarchist News ( a letter from the Olympia Commune to the so-called City of Olympia, Wa., undated) Dear City of Olympia,…
Block Friday: A Call to Action in Solidarity with Anti-Extraction Struggles Everywhere
submitted anonymously [haga clic aquí para una traducción al español] This November 24th, celebrate Block Friday with us by taking action against extractive…
Audio Report: Behind the Anti-Fracking Blockade in Olympia
reposted from It’s Going Down Play in New Window Download image from Native Daily Network Over the past several days, a blockade has…
Blockade the catastrophe, build the commune, decolonize Turtle Island: a call for solidarity actions
submitted anonymously Squaxin & Nisqually land The Olympia Commune 2.0 is now in its third full day, and the blockade is holding strong.…
Two Active Logging Blockades Happening in the Pacific Northwest
reposted from It’s Going Down Right now there are at least two active aerial blockades happening in the Pacific Northwest! Follow Cascadia Forest Defenders and Save…
Call to Action: Blockade at Oregon’s Goose Timber Sale, Help Needed
from Cascadia Forest Defenders McKENZIE BRIDGE, OR – On October 23, Cascadia Forest Defenders [CFD] erected a road blockade at the entrance to…
November 4th Call to Action!
The ascendancy of Trump and white supremacy to positions of power and influence in US society has provoked a renewed interest in anti-authoritarian…
Support Portland Arrestees!
From Portland ABC Donate Here We at the Portland Anarchist Black Cross must once again call upon the community and wider social justice network…
Stand Up! Community Defense Against Patriot Prayer!
from Rose City Antifa Local alt-right demagogue, Joey Gibson, refuses to stop his organizing activities despite the recent tragedy in Charlottesville. At this…