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Attack in Solidarity with Calls for an Autonomous May Day
Submitted Anonymously April 23rd Occupied Chinook territory. In the earliest hours of the morning of April 23rd, multiple fare machines, surveillance cameras, ATMs,…
Prisoner Letter Writing Night from Home: 4-19-2020
submitted by Puget Sound Prisoner Support For over five years we’ve gathered twice a month at Pipsqueak to write letters and send in…
May Day 2020: Autonomous, Decentralized, Everywhere!
submitted anonymously Get in contact at maydaysea [a t] protonmail [d o t] com, or for less secure communications message @MayDaySea2020 on twitter…
Washington Prisoner Updates 4-12-2020
submitted by Puget Sound Prisoner Support Well, a lot has happened in the last few days. And the updates are moving both slower…
Washington Prisoner Updates 4-7-2020
submitted by Puget Sound Prisoner Support Let’s start with some sobering words from our comrade and friend inside. “In prisons, we are very…
Washington Prisoner Updates 4-4-2020
submitted by Puget Sound Prisoner Support The updates are slowly coming in from different facilities. The places that are going on lock down…
Prisoner Letter Writing Night, April 5th 2020
submitted by Puget Sound Prisoner Support Dear friends, It is with heavy hearts that we write to you all electronically to let you…
Washington Prisoner Updates 4.1.20
submitted by Puget Sound Prisoner Support Happy Rent Strike Day everyone. Here is the update we have gleaned from the last two days.…
Renewed King County Phone Zap to Release All Prisoners
submitted by Puget Sound Prisoner Support We are renewing our call for officials to release all incarcerated people at the King County Correctional…
Happening Now: Hunger Strike Inside the Northwest Detention Center
submitted anonymously La Resistencia (formerly Northwest Detention Center Resistance), long-term organizers working in solidarity with undocumented people, have been rallying outside the Northwest…