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so-called British Columbia: Camp Cloud “This is a Call For Boots on the Ground” Against Kinder Morgan
reposted from It’s Going Down Last weekend in so-called British Columbia, up to ten thousand converged against the construction of a Kinder Morgan…
Vancouver, WA: Antifascists Respond to Hanging Effigies in Neighborhood
reposted from It’s Going Down The Pacific Northwest Antifascist Workers Collective wrote on Facebook: This morning effigies were found hanging from a tree…
Portland, OR: Anarchists Organize in Face of Arsonist Attacking People Living on the Street
reposted from It’s Going Down The houseless community in Portland is under constant attack but to add to the collective stress an arsonist…
May Day Poster
Submitted Anonymously New Poster to promote a Decentralized, Anti-Capitalist May Day Decentralize, Collectivize, Decolonize
Memorial Fund for Vaneesa Hopson
From YouCaring Vaneesa Hopson was a member of our Olympia community who died under questionable circumstances while in Police Custody in the early…
International Women’s Day: Solidarity From Olympia to Afrin
From Demand Utopia In honor of International Women’s Day and the ongoing struggle against sexism, patriarchy and oppression around the world, members of…
Anarchists Poster: RIP UP 35th AVE!!
Submitted Anonymously Whose street? No street! Tear up the concrete! Earlier this month I noticed a flier, appearing in store windows that with…
‘No Sanctuary for Nazis’ Antifascists Post Fliers in Renton Neighborhood
Submitted Anonymously Shortly after midnight on March 9th, 2018 anti-fascists set out to the streets of Renton, WA to notify businesses and neighbors…
Mr. and Mrs. Maci: The Atomwaffen Division Implodes
From Eugene Antifa Matthew Carroll, fourth from left, sieg heiling with members of the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division “Timothy McVeigh was a good…
The Tale of Two Cauces
submitted anonymously The 1970’s were a time very similar to today. Steeped in class inequities and frayed politics, white supremacist ideology reemerged from…