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Washington Prosecutors Refuse to Charge Far-Right Shooter
Reposted from Crimethinc In Washington state, Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney Elizabeth McMullen has declined to press charges against Forest Michael Machala, the far-right…
Seattle’s War on the Poor: SPD Clear Cal Anderson with Pepperballs & Arrests
submitted anonymously Across Cal Anderson Park, power tools and murmurs of conversation could be heard in the pre-dawn hours as people congregated to…
Cal Anderson Community Activists Occupy Vacant Building
reposted from future_crystals Activists from Cal Anderson Community occupy vacant building while facing sweep; demand a stop to sweeps and housing for all…
Without Shelter, People Die: Militantly Defending Cal Anderson Park from Imminent Police Sweep
submitted anonymously For the sake of anonymity, security, and tactical efficiency, no other pictures of the barricades or interior of the barricades at…
West Sound Proud Boys Planning Violence Ahead of 12/12 Olympia Rally
Reposted from WA Nazi Watch Last weekend in Olympia, WA, Trump supporters brazenly assaulted leftists – including Trump supporter/confederate flag enthusiast Chris Guenzler…
Olympia: All Out Against Fascist Violence 12/12
submitted anonymously On December 5th in Olympia, an anti-antifa “patriot” and confederate flag enthusiast Chris Guenzler shot into a crowd of leftists, anarchists,…
Portland: Monument to Genocide Toppled and Defaced
submitted anonymously Occupied Chinook land. Thanksgiving Eve. A few days earlier, Indigenous anarchist comrades had put out a public call for a night…
Towards A More Holistic Violence: Thoughts on PNW Anti-Fascism
submitted anonymously This zine was written sometime in 2016, after the failed neo-Nazi Hammerskin rally in Capitol Hill in Seattle that was countered…
FBI Attempting to Harass Seattle Area Activists
reposted from Puget Sound Prisoner Support There have been reports of at least two attempts by the FBI to make contact with people…
New Podcast: It Did Happen Here
reposted from KBOO In the 1980s, before gentrification, before Portlandia, Portland, Oregon was a sleepy city that existed outside of the national spotlight. …