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The Left Needs Solidarity
Submitted Anonymously I’m seeing a lot of opinion pieces in news outlets about how the left should protest and organize. Most of these…
Accounts of Police Brutality and Socialist Alternative Co-option at SeaTac #MuslimBan Protest
From Collected here are accounts and analysis from people who were on the escalators and faced police violence while occupying SeaTac demanding…
No DAPL and GJ Resistance Banner Drop Olympia WA
Submitted Anonymously On February 1st, we dropped a banner in Olympia, WA in solidarity with the indigenous struggle against the dakota access pipeline…
A Narrative from the SeaTac Shutdown, J28
Submitted Anonymously You Don’t Get to Protest When It’s Convenient When my partner and I first got to SeaTac, it took some time…
Vancouver BC Antifa Report Back New Westminster Antifascist Rally
Submitted Anonymously Sunday January 29th 2017, approximately 100-150 people rallied in New Westminster for the Antifascist & Anti-neoNazi demonstration at 1pm. The crowd…
Rising SPRING Convergence, April 22-23, Medicine Creek Treaty Tribe Lands (Olympia, WA)
Submitted Anonymously Announcing the Rising S.P.R.I.N.G (Stopping Pipelines and Resisting Infrastructure on Native Ground) Convergence, the weekend of April 22 and 23 at…
Report Back from Seattle-Tacoma Airport
From CrimethInc Reports said that thirteen people from various countries were detained as they exited planes at Sea-Tac Airport outside of Seattle. Area…
Olympia Takes The Streets Against Transphobia
Submitted Anonymously Cathy Brennan is a leading voice of the anti-trans “radfem” movement, a group of people who under the facade of feminism…
Bathroom Windows Smashed in Olympia, Wa
From Its Going Down On January 20th in downtown Olympia, Washington, windows of the bathrooms at Heritage Park were smashed out by some…
Shooter of unarmed anti-racist walks free; Authorities silent.
From Twin Cities General Defense Committee GDC SEATTLE, WA, January 25, 2017 — Social media activists claim to have identified the person who…