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Liberated Parking in Portland
submitted anonymously In solidarity with decentralized actions around the world on March 6, we took to the streets of so-called Portland to dismantle…
Chase Banks attacked throughout Portland in solidarity with Line 3 protests
In the early hours of Saturday, February 6th on occupied Chinook land known as “portland”, Chase banks throughout the city were attacked in…
Jail Windows Smashed After Police Drive Through Crowd in Tacoma, WA
reposted from Abolition Media Worldwide After a pig drove through a crowd of people with a police vehicle, militants set flaming barricades and…
submitted anonymously The night of 1/23 a video went viral of Tacoma pigs breaking up a side show and ramming thru a crowd,…
Seattle J20 Reportback
submitted anonymously headline photo borrowed from Rich Smith In Seattle, a group of about 150 protesters in black bloc burned an American flag…
“Evergreen State Patriots”: New Graphics and Details
Submitted Anonymously [Submitter’s Note: building off of the digging done in a previously posted article about violent reactionaries we decided to put together…
Five months of direct action disrupt old growth logging on so-called Vancouver Island
submitted anonymously January 10, 2021, Unceded Pacheedaht Territory: The San Juan River, flowing into the Pacific Ocean on the southwest coast of Vancouver…
Exposing the Belligerent “Evergreen State Patriots”
submitted anonymously After two months of right-wing rallies in Olympia, Washington, reactionaries shot comrades two Saturdays in a row. These ongoing weekly, ultra-nationalist…
Olympia & Seattle: Security Alert Regarding Phil Darrow
Reposted from Olympia Jail Support Phil Darrow first came to our attention in November when he began contacting arrestees through social media asking…
Over 40 Units At Port of Tacoma Travelodge Occupied to Provide Emergency Housing
Reposted from It’s Going Down Tacoma Housing Now reports on an ongoing housing occupation that so far has housed over 40 people for…